Chapter 9: Don't Lose Your Head

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Chapter 9: Don't Lose Your Head

Jack felt air go through his lungs as he starts to cough falling to his knees. As his eyes start to adjust, and the first thing he saw was his hands red with blood. He felt his hands start to shake as his breathing came out rapidly. "No.. No..." He whispers as he felt someone kick him back making him look up to see Amber, pissed. "What the fuck did you do!?" She yells making Jack glare as he stood up, "What did I do!? I killed Elsa that's what I did you fucken bitch!" I yell back not holding back my anger and my hurt soul. Amber couldn't help but start to laugh as she walks away from him. "Don't you dare walk away from me Amber!" Jack yells as he follows before he stops as Amber turns around holding the head of a woman, about the same age as Elsa with dirty blonde hair and green eyes screaming at him.

"Does this look like Elsa?" She ask throwing the head into a bin making Jack shocked, "Who... What..." He starts. "I don't know who she is, or why you killed her but you did. And now Elsa is still out there alive." She say she walks back to Jack and grabs his hand, "So let's try this again and this time I want Elsa's head not some stupid whore you found on the street!" Amber screams as she starts to grab his ring when she stops to see a locket hanging around his neck. "What... What is that?" She ask slowly as Jack follows her eyes to see the locket making his eyes widen.

"It's... It's the locket that Bella gave me." He says as he touches it making his heart beat faster, where did this came from? The locket scared Amber, it scared her more then she'd like to know. She quickly looks back at his ring. She wrapped her fingers around it making Jack eyes widen, "Wait Amber, please!" Jack bags as Amber tries to pull the ring off but it won't budge. "Why won't you come off!" Amber screams pulling hard but the ring wouldn't move. She growls as she stops and grabs his hand hard and starts to drag him. "Where are you taking me." Jack ask still confused on what was happening.

"Since I can't have my horseman kill the little bitch." She says as she moves her hand making a door appear. She opens the door and pushes Jack into a small cell like room and close the door with only a small window with bars on it. "Then I'll just have to think of another way to kill her. With you out of the way." She says as Jack grabs the bars on the window. "You won't get away form this Amber." Jack says wishing he could fight back but he knew Amber would always have that one step ahead of him. "Oh don't worry Jackson, you can see your little princess again." She says as she starts to walk away.

"As a corpse."


Elsa felt something warm on her skin as she slowly opens her eyes before they shot open to see she was still by her front door. She was trying to remember all that happened last night, until she remember, Jack tried to kill her. She quickly got on her feet and ran into her apartment and turn on the tv.

Our top news today, a body was found in Sleepy Hollow park with the head missing. The police have announced that the body is of a young woman in her early twenties. Witnesses have told us that they saw a figure riding a black horse but the rider had no head. Sleepy Hollow has been known of the Legend of the Headless Horseman and it has been almost a hundred years since our last known headless victim. We'll tell you more...

Elsa muted the tv as she fell to her couch. Why didn't Jack kill me? Why did he kill someone else? Elsa thought as she looks down at her ring, "Did you do something?" she ask herself before she reached up to her neck to remember that Jack took her locket. Keep it with you, keep it close. Elsa hears play in her head, the locket wasn't to protect her, it was to protect Jack. She had to find him. She quickly picked up her coat and started to walk out of the apartment. She didn't know where Jack lived but she knew someone who did.

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