Chapter 11: Old Scars

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Chapter 11: Old Scars

Amber could feel her heart start to beat faster knowing she finally got rid of that pest, she could finally have Jack all to herself. She felt a smile on her face as little kids ran past her to get to the next house to get their candy. Jack and I will have beautiful children together. She thought as she felt a chill on her neck. She's sighs as she turns around to see her sister staring at her wearing the same nightgown she died in. "Ah, so you decided to show yourself this year huh?" Amber ask crossing her arms but Bella didn't say anything she just looked at her baby sister. "Well, aren't you going to say anything? Or are you just going to stand there knowing I finally won. I finally got everything I wanted." Amber says as a smile creeped on her face, "I got daddy's money, I got this town, and now I have Jack. And there is nothing you can do about it." She laughs as a little boy ran right through Bella, not even seeing her as he felt a chill but he just kept running thinking it was the cold air.

"I always wanted children." Bella finally says looking back at the little boy running off. She didn't care what Amber was saying, all she saw was a life she could of had. Jack and her could of had children, maybe a boy and a little girl. They could of been happy, they could of had a life, for her to be a mother. She felt a small smile on her face as she turns back to her sister. "I didn't want daddy's money, I didn't want this town. I just wanted to have a family with the man I loved. And you took that away from me." She says. "Oh please, you could of had children, just with someone else, not with Jack." Amber says walking up to the ghost of her past.

"And what makes Jack different from the others huh? Because I kept him away from you?" Bella asked as Amber starts to bite the inside of her cheek, tasting blood. "He will never love you." Bella says making Amber puff her cheeks out like she did was her father use to yell at her and praise Bella, the perfect daughter. "You don't know that! I got rid of you, and your doppelgänger. And I don't think you have enough power to make another." Amber yells but Bella doesn't flinch at all, she just held her ground. "I didn't make Elsa. I didn't use magic to make her look like me. I did push her here, I pushed her to find Jack's locket I gave him, I pushed her to Jack and I gave her my memories. But she was born looking like me."

Amber was sure if she believed her or not, she could be lying, she was powerful enough to make someone to look like her. And Amber knew she was depressed enough to do it, to get rid of her. Slowly, Bella felt her body start to fade as Amber could see she couldn't hold it much longer. "It looks like you can't stay much longer Bella. So to me, it doesn't matter anymore, Elsa is gone and there is nothing you can do about it." Amber says almost in a mocking voice. "So just disappeared and give up." She laughs but Bella just gave a smile, "Are you sure about that Anna?" She ask before she disappeared leaving Amber confused and scared. She turned as she starts to almost speed walk to where Elsa's body should be.

As she turned a corner she felt her breath stop as she saw an ambulance out front but no cop cars. She starts to run as she stops to see a man sitting in the back of the ambulance with an ice pack on his head as another man was stitching him up. "Why haven't they shown up yet?" The boy who was getting stitched up ask as Amber got closer. "I told you sir, they'll be here soon. Now are you going to tell me what happened?" The boy shook his head, "I told you, I was helping my friend Elsa find her boyfriend Jack Rider, I think his in danger." The boy says. Amber could feel her hands start to shake. "Why do you say that?" The paramedic ask finally done stitching up. "Because I woke up in the back of your ambulance with no memory of falling and I have no idea where Elsa is! Now please get the cops here now!" The boy yells as Amber steps back pushing her back to a wall.

"The police... This hasn't happened before. And if Elsa isn't there..." She says to herself as she turns down the street towards her home. She lowered her eyes as she felt her hand go into a fist as she starts to scream feeling anger go through her body. "Why won't this bitch die!" She yells as she hears someone else yell. "Wait sir come back!" She hears as the boy from the ambulance run around the corner stopping dead in his tracks. "You.." Amber hisses as her eyes go red making the boy step back. "You had one fucken job! Kill Elsa! And you couldn't even do that!" Amber yells. "Who are you?" The boy ask almost frozen in place. Amber huffs as she grabs his cheeks holding him close, "I'm your worse nightmare." She growls as she places her free hand on his forehead making his eyes roll back.

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