Q & A

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Hey guys! As promised here is my Q & A! I'll answer questions you guys have written me and some past pquestions I've gotten the 5 years of being on this site! (Still can't believe it's been 5 years!) so let's get started!

Hey guys! As promised here is my Q & A! I'll answer questions you guys have written me and some past pquestions I've gotten the 5 years of being on this site! (Still can't believe it's been 5 years!) so let's get started!

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So as a lot you know

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So as a lot you know. I am married. My husband and I (we'll call him Mutt) meet when I was working at Subway. I like to say that I made the best damn sandwiches ever and won his heart 💜💙. 

We will be celebrating our 7 year Anniversary on Tuesday which I am very excited about.

For the second part of @XxCandybearxX I think Jim and Merida would be very cute together but I'm also a fan that she doesn't have a husband or wife. And also I've had a crush on Jim Hawkins since I was a little girl so I can't help but feel jealous 😂😂

 And also I've had a crush on Jim Hawkins since I was a little girl so I can't help but feel jealous 😂😂

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My favorite song, that is a very hard question. I kind of like everything. But I would have to say Goodbye Love by Rent Cast, Me! By Taylor Swift and Brendon Urie (might of spelled it wrong sorry) and any song by Panic at the Disc or All Time Low. I am a very big fan of PATD and Mutt got me into All Time Low when we saw them in concert and I fell in love with them.

Purple is my all time favorite color. I like to wear purple or violet because it makes my eyes pop.

My favorite book is also a hard one. But I love the Blue Blood Series by Melissa De La Cruz. I love how she writes and how she told a different vampire story. She is also the reason I started to writing.

Sleepy Hollow is not really based on either the movie or the show

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Sleepy Hollow is not really based on either the movie or the show. I love both of them and I got some ideas from them but it's different from both of them. Sleepy Hollow (the movie) has a lot of meaning to me. It's my first "Horror" movie I ever watched and it was also one of my first Tim Burton movies who is my favorite director.

Other questions I gotten over the years!

What is your Favorite movie- Secret Window (Johnny deep 😍😍), all the Harry Potter Movies, Marvel Movies, Romeo and Juliet (all of them)  and anything Horror. I love the gore and blood haha.

What Jobs Did you have in the past- I worked at K-Mart, Subway, Movie Rental Place (my all time favorite job ever!) and a Donut Shop (sucked! Hated everyone there. Bosses and owners were jackasses 🤬🤬) now and stay at home mom 😊

Did you go to college and if so what for?- Yes did go to college for two years to become a drama teacher. I love the arts and how because play. But then I realized I love movies more and I wanted to be a movie critic. But when the time came for me to go to LA for school, I meet Mutt and I knew I would have a better and happier life with him. And to this day I still don't regret not going to school. (Not saying people shouldn't go to school. I'm just one of the people who can do school. I'm bad at it)

But I still love the idea of movies and how they are made and thanks for Mutt, he lets me buy all the movies my heart can handle 😂😂 we have over 3,000 movies (no regrets).

What is your son name and how old he is-I won't give you his name but I will tell you, he was named after someone from Harry Potter. And he just turns 2 in March. We are birthday twins.

When is your birthday- March 14 ♓️

Do you have any pets?- I have two dogs. A Mini/Tot Aussie name Ashley (Ash for short) who is 7. She is our princess and she knows it. and a puggle (half pug half beagle) name Bandit who is 13. He is my old man and I love him.

How do I come up with the ideas for my stories- dreams. No joke. I have really weird dreams and I turn them into stories. Some Jelsa some my own characters. Most of them are my own characters that I turning into Jelsa because a lot of followers like my Jelsa stories so I'll keep writing them 😊 which is fine because I like them too.

Sometimes just watching a movie, a show, listing to music or even reading something will give me an idea for a new story.

What is your favorite hero or villain?- Hero it's Iron Man, Batman, and Spider-Man. Villain is Joker, Harley, and Maleficent.

Who is your Favorite Disney Princess- Princess Aurora forever and always!

Do you watch anime? If so what is your favorite?- Sailor Moon (Sailor Venus is my role model), Swords Art Online, Fruit Basket, Romeo X Juliet and pretty anything with Romance in it. I'm a hopeless romantic.

And that's all for now! I will be going out of town on Sunday to celebrate my Anniversary and some well needed family time. If I have time I will write but I might not upload any stories until I get home. But I wanted to thank you all so much for the love and the reads! It just means the world to me! And thank you all for waiting and being so patient with my uploads. Being a stay at home mom is not an easy job but I wouldn't change it for the world! So until next time, sorry for my grammar and spelling and I'll see you soon! Love you guys!

~Kitty Kat

Sleepy Hollow (Jelsa) Where stories live. Discover now