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"Hmm, they look happy." Anna says as she took a drink of her wine as her and Bella watched the young couple start to walk out of the dog park holding hands. Bella nods her head, "They really do." She says with a smile. "Do you think we should tell them that you killing me broke the curse on both of us?" Anna ask taking a bite of a fry. It was true, since Bella was that killed Anna, her dark magic left her and they both got their powers back and their own lives again. But even when they came back, Bella didn't feel like it was right leaving Jack and Elsa with a not so happy ending. It took a long time and a lot of magic but they managed to bring him back but with a different name and no memory of what happened him.

Bella shook her head, "No, let them live their lives together without us." She says taking a drink. "Plus, Elsa might not believe that you're good again." She added with a laugh making Anna huff but joined the laughter not long after. After her death, Anna became her old self before she got into black magic and out jealous of her sister. Anna looked back at the couple, "How did you know the ring would bring back his memory?" Anna ask as she places a twenty on the table as she grabs her purse. Bella shrugged as she watched Elsa and Jack walk off together. Elsa wrapped her arms around his before she felt eyes on her. She stops walking and turns her head to a small cafe right outside the park to see someone who almost looked like her but with darker blonde hair.

Bella locked eyes with Elsa as she smiles and raises her glass. Elsa couldn't help but smile back and nod her head. "Hey do you see someone you know?" Elsa hears as she turns to look at Jack shaking her head, "It was just an old friend." She says looking back at the cafe to see another woman next to her old friend waving at Elsa. Elsa smile got wider as she places her head on Jack's arm and they start to walk off.

Anna kept waving even after they walked off knowing they were happy. "To answer your question." Bella says making Anna look at her, "I didn't know if that ring would bring back his memories but... I had a feeling." She says as she grabs Anna's hand and starts to pull her away. "So where should we go next?" She ask as Anna loops her arms with hers, "Oh I don't know, I heard China is really nice." Anna say with laugh as the two sisters walked off starting their lives as sisters, together.

The End.

Hey guys! So this is the ending of Sleepy Hollow! I had so much fun rewriting this story and putting my own twist in it. I am so sorry I haven't updated for awhile but it took awhile to write how I wanted this ending to work and I am very happy with how it turned out. And while I was on my vacation I did work on a new story and some old one so hopefully I can update those soon. But I really hope you all enjoy this story as much as I loved writing it. Leave a comment on what you thought of the ending! And as always, sorry for my grammar and spelling and I love you all!!! See you in the next story.

~Kitty Kat

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