A New Visitor (Reworked)

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??? pov
It started in my bedroom. I was lying on my bed when light orbs filled the room. They were rising up throught the ceiling and when I started to move, the bedroom was bathed in light. Then there was no bedroom. Only empty space was supporting me and I plummeted towards the ground.

I close my eyes and reflected my life, wondering what I coupd have done to anger God. I was just laying in my bed, hurting no one and now, I would die a painful death by becoming a human pancake. I saw a mountain through the clouds and gulped. My fate was unavoidable.

As I braced myself for the impact, I raised my hands up, in a useless effort to prevent damage. I smashed into the mountain and went flying upwards. I was left nearly unscathed which stunned me but I was quickly brought back by the shock of crashing and bouncing up again. This continued like a cartoon character falling down the stairs except without the sound effects and more of the sound of boulders being broken through.

Then, I flew head first into the foliage and got tangled in the vines. Dazed, I stayed in that state for the next five minutes. When I finally came to my senses, I was, thankfully, fine. Other than the fact that I was sure that I broke a rib or two. I wrapped my hand around a vine and pulled. Surprisingly, the vine tore off like playdough and I dealt with the rest of them before I plopped promptly on the grass.

I looked around at my surroundings. All I saw was rows of trees and some fox creature things? I was not sure whether that was reality or some hallucination conjured up by my brain. I take a look at my hands and flexed my fingers a little.
Did I grow stronger or something? Those vines definitely weren't weak if they could hold my weight up. I thought.

As a test, I punched the ground. The ground trembled as my fist dug through the earth. Whatever happened to me, I had grown stronger. I pondered about it for a moment but brushed it off. My immediate surroundings were definitely not a bedroom or any city that I had been to.

Walking a bit further into the dense crowd of trees revealed a lake. I took a sip of water to test it. It felt cool and fresh so I figured that resting nearby would be a good idea. I easily tore off some branches and foraged around for larger leaves to set up a make shift shelter. By the time I finished, the sun was beginning to dip over the horizon and my stomach grumbled a little. I stood up at first but sat back down due to my exhaustion.

Seems like my strength doesn't come without a cost. I thought. Maybe I should rest first then, I'll hunt for food in the morning. Closing my eyes, sleep overtook me and the world faded away.

Hello everybody, this rework was one that took a lot of thinking and replanning. While my main story will almost completely remain the same, there will be some changes made. This community is a great place and I hope to hear your feedback/support for this story. This is Agent_I signing out.

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