Saved.... for now

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The queen sent me to a room. It was similar to Ami's room. I took off my shades for a short while, rubbing my eyes. Then, I put them back on and called Geo again. A screen popped up and Geo's face popped up.
"Yo Geo! How's it going? You should come to the castle. The queen might have something to tell you." I said. He seemed a little skeptical but nodded.

An hour later, the door opened and I was met with Geo's face.
"Hey Geo. Long time no see. What did she have to say?" I greeted as I waved a hand.
"She mentioned that you summoned fires from under the earth to show her proof of the end of the world."
"Close enough." I replied. I explained what I saw in the cave.
"That doesn't explain how I got one missing call. How on earth did you call me?"
"I think you missed out that little button on the side." I informed. Then, I got serious.
"Pull up a chair, let's talk."

Geo took a chair from the corner and sat down.
"Do you have any idea what she is going to do? I was shoved in here for no reason."
"The queen seemed... troubled, as if she was doubting your 'prophecy'. I am sure that she is wondering what to do with you, the messenger. If gods have made you their champion, she can't kill you. And since you are human, your identity can't be discovered." He stated. I nodded.

I understood what he meant. Humans were threats to them in the past. There's nothing that can is preventing me from turning against them. Someone knocked on the door. I put on my visor and headed to open the door. I turned the knob and opened it to see a guard.

"The queen told me to inform you to come to her throne room. Your friend is allowed to come along." He stated. I motioned to Geo to follow. We both reached the throne room and the guard bowed before the queen and left.

"I have thought over your predicament and have decided a suitable option. I will assign you to a team that helps defend the city. I will also be assigning you a mentor for training your swordsmanship."
"So, whose team am I joining?" A gleam glowed in her eyes. She pointed at Geo in response.

For a while, silence filled the air. Then the realisation hit us both.
"Wait what?!" We both simultaneously shouted.

Sorry for the late update. As I have stated a while back. I have my serious exams this year. Juggling tuition work and school work is tough. So don't expect too much. I will be mainly updating this book so sorry if you are reading my other stories. This is Agent_I signing out.

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