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Geo's pov
I woke up with Ami by my side. I blinked a few times before jumping out of the bed, my face red. I heard Ami grumble in her sleep, I put my hand on her cheek. She grabbed my hand and snuggled up to it and turned around.

Now, I was paralyzed with embarrassment and fear of waking her up. I heard a chuckle feom behind me. I slowly turned around, careful not to wake Ami up. The other guy was standing there, his shirt torn to shreds and stained with blood. He had blood dripping out of his mouth.

I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell happened but he held up his hand.
"Ask me later. One nap wasn't enough. For now, think of a reason." He said before he slammed on the floor. The sound resonated around the whole palace. I cursed. The sound woke Ami up and I suspect Queen Gwain had heard it. I rolled him under the bed and asked Ami to lay on the floor.

She had a questioning look on her face but did it anyways. A maid came in asking what had happened. I told her that Mai had just fallen off her bed. She fell for it and I asked her whether Queen Gwain was in.

"No she went out, today. She said she needed to meet someone." The maid answered.
"Thank you." I responded and she left the room. Ami got up, asking me what the heck happened.

I looked under and rolled the guy out from under the bed. He groaned.
"Did I make too much noise?" He asked, a little sheepishly. I glare at him. He raises his hands defensively.

I sigh and just whacked him. Maybe a little too hard cause then he went flying to the the other side of the room. Oops. He slammed through Ami's closet and was in there for a while.

5 minutes later he appeared with his shades still on and flame-like collared  black shirt with long sleeves. He also had a set of white long pants. Like this:

"Ooh, nice!" He said. I was about to say something but I just shut my mouth.

Cool new clothes. They fit like a glove.
"Yo, Ami, are you some sort of model? That closet was a maze. She blushed in embarrassment.
"No but I'm aspiring to be one in the future." She responded. Then she cocked her head.
"Why were you here in absolute shambles?" She asked.
"Oh I was fighting against a person with an ability similar to mine." I replied.

"What is that ability anyways? And how come only you and Geo can see it?" She asked again.
"This ability is called a Stand. Here let me draw mine," I said as my Stand picked up a pencil and drew himself on a little scrap, very accurately.
"That is my Stand. It's abilities so far are that it can heal and punch really quickly and really hard and accurately which reminds me..."
I quickly used my normal form Stand to heal my wounds. Inside my body, I could feel my ribs mending as it healed.

After  15 minutes, my injuries were healed.
"Where was I? Oh yeah, Stands are the physical form of your Soul's ability to fight. Stands can only be affected by things that can attack your soul such as other Stands. But in response to injuries done to your Stand, your body will also be affected. Thus I suffered from quite a few injuries. So those are basically the abilities of a Stand."

"How did you get one?" Ami asked.
"I honestly don't know." I responded.
She, then turned towards the window.
"We never got to find out your name." She stated.

"I like the letter 'I' so I think my name outside would be "Agent I". This way, you can talk about me without being too suspicious

"Alright then, welcome Agent I to the world of Torea."

Sorry for the long wait. I had my phone taken away and I apologise for the time you had to wait. This is Agent_I signing out.

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