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Geo's pov
We were fighting the huge robot but it was futile. It was just to huge to destroy. My EXE blade could not leave a scratch. I planned to ask Marlow whether she could quickly search for any weak points when suddenly, a shadow leapt up and smashed down through the side of the bot. For a moment, I saw the spirit thing but it disappeared into the hole. I told my team to fire at the hole but suddenly a giant rainbow shield covered the bot and the blasts of sleeping arrows, fireballs and ice bullets ricocheted off of it. Its fist rose to smash us deep into the ground. I close my eyes ready to take the impact............ but it never came. I opened my eyes. The robot knight stood still before its head blasted open and the whole thing fell over. We evacuated everyone, luckily so no one was hurt but her Majesty, Queen Gwain, would not like that some buildings were destroyed. When the dust settled, the robot was lying in pieces. After that, the guards came and we were about to leave when a child who looked a little lost approached me.
"Why do you look like that man in the alley?" He asked. I was quite perplexed. I looked like someone who lived in the alleys? I felt pretty insulted. I gave him a confused look. He somehow understood and said,
"You have the same glasses as him also both of your hair is weird." My blood chilled. Definitely the same guy. I brought the boy back to the safe zone where his mom picked him up and hugged him. I left to go back to the alleys to find the mystery man. The alleyway was dark. The shadows seemed to loom over me. Then I shouted,
"I know you are here! Come out and show yourself!" The moment the words left my mouth, I immediately regretted it. The shadows circled around me and then wrapped themselves around me. He materialised in front of me before he got his spirit out.
"I will only say this once before your skull is left with a dent. What.... Do..... You.... Want?" He demanded. I tried to move but the shadows held their grip. He growled as the fist looked like it was getting ready to smash my face in.
"Icametotalk!" I said quickly. Then the guy did the wierdest thing. He laughed. It scared me more than anything because it was not a normal joking laugh. It was harsh and terrifying. Then he stopped and looked at me.
"Your queen tried to kill me. Why should I trust you?" He snarled.
"Because she tried to do the same to me?" His eyes seem to soften just a tiny bit.
"Fine but what is your plan? What can you do to convince me?" He said. His spirit had gone and the shadows stopped binding me.
"I can't convince you. You and I both know that. But I could help you sneak in. My.... friend and I managed once but she hid me with a lampshade. Not useful. Queen Gwain nearly killed me. However, your braces should cover for it. You can hide in the shadows more easily, no?"
"True, but I could find an easier way. I can be part of any sort of darkness, from shadows to the night but it best works at night and I can hide more easily. How can we do this though?"
"Leave it up to me."

Yoooooo how's it going? It has been so long since I last updated but finally got it done. Leave in the comments what you think they will do and like. This is Agent_I signing out.

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