the city

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My pov
I reach the city and it looks beautiful. The buildings had wonderful architecture. I almost went into it when I remembered how the woman reacted. I knew that the people's reactions would not be any better. I was wondering what to do when I tapped on my brace. Then a visor materialised in front of my eyes. I was so surprised that I fell back. But then i tapped on them on the rim. I then realised that i still had the blueprints. I took them out. They were in a wierd writing but the glasses translated them. Photo:

(Sorry if it is bad)
Calculations have failed me. I don't know how much power i can blast out. But it sure looks a lot. I enter the city. No one seems to notice but then a person with white hair, a black coat and the same visor pointed at me. I rushed into the alley like an arrow. My speed was increased exponentially like the woman said. I look around and I see a puddle of water. I look into it and nearly freaked out. My hair turned gray. I took off the visor and saw that my eyes were now an ocean blue. I put them back on and I look around once more. The guy with the visor was headed closer I rushed out and look behind. I see a magic sort of arrow being drawn. Then my only thought was:
Is this some sort rpg game? Come on protect me you stupid braces.
Then an aura of gray surrounded me. The arrow flew but shattered to pieces when it touched my aura. A magic resistant aura! Perfect. Now to get away. I dashed out of the city but then I notice the guy with the visor speeding towards me at a similar speed as me. How was that possible? Then I realised what she meant.
There is one like you.
That guy was also human. Also taken from earth and plonked into this world. Come on there must be something this thing can do. I thought of flying and the wind pushed me upwards. I was excited..... that was until the wind shot me into the clouds. Damn it. I fell back down, losing control of the winds. Before I smashed onto the ground yet again, my last thought was:
What have I gotten myself into?

Hello hello hello. It has been so long. Sorry for not updating. Working on new book again. Have splatoon book and regaltale as well. But do not worry. I will update as soon as I am done with this fanart and posting it on amino. This is Agent I signing out.

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