Sneaking in

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My pov
I hated the idea, despised it. It was the worst possible idea ever. I was to sneak in through the back gate without getting caught. That seemed easy but you have to consider 10 guards on the watch, traps and the chance of bumping into the queen who would just kill me there if I do not react fast enough. Geo said that it would be fine unless I get found in his friend's room like him. Geo went ahead of me to lead me there. I went on to hide in his shadow without him realising and he walked through the gates. The guards noticed him before nodding their heads. They lifted their weapons and he walked in. Then he took a left, then a right, then a right and a whole lot more corridors before finally reaching a room. He entered and was greeted by the pink haired girl with mechanical kitty ears.
"Our new friend will be coming soon." He said.
"Sooner than you think, Geo." I said, materialising in behind. They both jumped out of their skins. The girl took her ears which turned out to be a hair band which could also be a bow and fired a volley of arrows. My stand caught blocked all of them but they slightly cut into his flesh. My skin got a few cuts. Then, they were shot into the walls beside us before disintegrating into ashes. The girl gasped.
"No one can just deflect my arrows."
"Well I just did." I said as the last of the arrows turned gray and disintegrated.
"No, I mean you didn't even touch the arrows and they just shattered in the air before most were flung onto the wall and turned to ash. What did you do?" She asked, her face portraying her disbelief. I turned to look at Geo who nodded. He was the only other person I knew who saw my stand. He whispered to her. Her eyes widened as she heard the news.
"Explain." She said. I sighed then I told her my story. Thirty minutes later, I managed to get her to understand.
"So you fell out if the sky like Geo, went into the woods and found a pink eyed woman like Geo and got here and nearly got killed by my mother like Geo. But you have an ability called a stand, two bracelets that can practically use any sort of magic and they can create an aura that protects you from magic attacks." She summarised.
"Yup." I said, popping the p. I was fiddling with my bracelets and after she said her part, I thought of what she said and wondered if time was one of the magics here. I also knew that the bracelets could be voice activated to do secret anythings. Suddenly, my brain coughed up another memory.
"King Crimson!!" I shout.
My friends turned but everything was going slow-motion, worse I could see red images of them doing something before their actual selves did it. I could move normally and I took a peek outside and noticed the queen heading towards the room. I shut the door and just in time. Things turned back to normal.
"What did you sa-?" Geo started to speak but I brushed by and quickly hid in the closet.

Geo's pov
Why did he say that? What was that supposed to mean? But before my thoughts were answered, Queen Gwain entered the room.
"Who is here? I could hear a shout." She queried. Ami and I tried our best to keep a straight face.
"No one is here... mom." Ami said. Big mistake. The queen narrowed her eyes as they started to glow. Her eyes widened.
"He's here? Why do you always take such risks?" She screeched. Then she strode towards the closet which our friend was hiding in and flung it open, only to see clothes and darkness greeting her. Her face paled before looking back at the both of us with glowing yellow eyes. Then she turned to me. Instantly, my brain felt like it was being poked through with a hot rod of steel. I knew that she was reading my mind. She glared back at the closet before flicking her hand a bit. All the clothes got flung out and then she made an orb of power and obliterated the closet. The wall behind it blew apart. Queen Gwain looked satisfied aand then she left the room. My jaw could not be closed. Neither could Ami's. Her mom just destroyed part of the room to get rid of my friend. Suddenly, the shadows grew darker and my friend stumbled out. He rubbed his eyes before focusing on me.
"Well that was awkward."

My pov
I stumbled out of the darkness. After that crazy woman tried to kill me, I materialised half way across the world before thinking straight and went back to the room. I felt tired. I rubbed my eyes a bit before saying
"Well that was awkward."
I thought for a moment before saying
"Crazy Diamond!" I felt like half of my energy just got drained from me and I fell to my knees. But when I touched the wall, my braces glowed and the wall fixed itself. Now, I felt ready to drop.
"With great power, comes a great need to nap. Wake me up later......" and I nodded off.

Thank you for reading my book. If you think that I put too many jojo references, you haven't seen anything yet. This is Agent_I signing out.

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