Stand-ing for myself pt. 2

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My Pov
I could feel my stamina draining from me as the enemy's Stand destroyed another section of the wall. I blocked another hit before it slammed me through the walls and I came flying out of a mountain and landed in a huge forest. The Mecha came jumping out of the mountainside.

My Stand protected my landing and then I went on a barrage of punches. I landed about 50 hits within 2 seconds. But it just repaired itself again. I had had enough of this giant trash can. Suddenly, its right arm turned into a giant cannon. I raised my aura to protect myself.

The blast basically incinerated the whole forest. My aura shattered and I coughed out blood. That is it!!! I thought. I called on my stand but this time, it felt like a darkness I drew out from myself.

Usually my Stand was white on the left side of my body and black on the other side of my body. In place of hair, it was a black and white flame but it had no legs, more of a wisp at the end.

But now, my Stand looked like the black was clashing against the white and was dominating it. Like spires of black all over its body and the flame had turned completely black.

My whole body was enveloped in a dark aura. My stand attcked the mecha twice as fast as before and 5 times harder.

"Peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri!!!" The whole mecha just got slammed out of the area.

The punches were so immensely powerful that the shockwaves ripped the environment apart. The mecha's armour fell to pieces as it flew. Knowing he wouldn't be gone forever I said,

"Arrivederci." See you later. Then I fell on the ground completely drained. I was tired. That new form was way too draining. I decided to take a nap there as well.

Ho you are voting for me? Even though you know, my repetitive jojo references are annoying? Hoho then come vote for me all you want. This is Agent_I signing out.

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