The Second and Third Trial

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I opened my eyes and found myself in another section underground. It was a mansion which seemed to be above ground but I knew it was an illusion. The Gods wouldn't have risked being found on the surface. I opened the door and walked in. There was a magic circle in the centre and a golden cloak on top of it. There seemed to be nothing stopping me so I went and picked it up. Suddenly, everything was white...

I opened my eyes and rubbed my eyelids. I could tell that my consciousness was sent into some other world. My body was semi-transparent and I was sent to an empty room that was completely white. The floor was made out of clouds. A figure of light appeared in the centre of this room. I walked towards it and it held up a hand.
"Stop, this is no place for a mortal to go, this is a place that the Gods have burdened me to guard. Unless you can show me your strength." He declared as he drew his sword. I rubbed my wrists, out of habit. My hands fell to my sides and I felt a sword handle. Somehow, the sword found itself in my consciousness. I gripped the handle and placed another hand on the sheathe.
The figure's grip on his sword hilt tightened. Then we rushed at each other. My blade seemed to fly out of the sheathe as I drew it out with ease. The metal blade was white as snow, as if it was made out of light. The figure lifted his sword and I lifted mine to block it. Our blades clashed, sending sparks flying everywhere. The figure swung his sword again and it barely scratched me. I managed to dodge in time and counter-attacked. I slammed my blade down on him with all my strength. The figure rose his sword to block the blow but the weapon flew out of his hands and landed on the floor.

The figure extended his hand and called the weapon back to his hand. I struck again and we fought once more, over and over again. Until I knocked his sword out of his hands for the 12th time. Then, before he could call it back I slashed his hand and smacked the sword to the ground and held it down with my foot. I was covered in blood, sweat and scratches. The person was bleeding gold and was panting. Then, he stood straight.
"Very well, you have passed the second trial. But there is a cost." He waved his hand. The golden cloak appeared in the centre of the room.
"This is the cloak, Aegis. It will provide you with all the protection necessary to defend yourself. However, nothing comes without a price. What would you sacrifice? An eye, a leg, maybe an ear? Perhaps you would not like it now but the choice of it remains when you need it. The time will come when you shall sacrifice something to protect those dear to you. My brother is at the next trial. Good luck...." He said and everything turned white

I woke up with my head on the floor. I stood up and stretched a little. I took the cloak on the floor.
[Aquired Aegis!]
I put it on and walked onwards. The cloak itself was quite light. It felt as though a bed of feathers now lay on my shoulders. I walked through an arc and found a flickering figure beckoning me to come forward. I cautiously approached him.

"Hello, if you have come this far, I can only assume that you are the Chosen One. For this last trial, I have to test you for your determination to continue. Succeed and you will personally recieve something from me. This is the point of no return. Do you still wish to go on?" He asked. Doubt was creeping in my mind.
Why should I care? This world would die. I should be looking for some way to escape. What do I have to lose? I thought. Then, I remembered Geo, Ami, the boy whose hands I heal. They were people. People like me. While they weren't humans, they had their own right to live in this world. I took in a deep breath and nodded.
The figure looked grim but had a small smile. He waved his hand and my entire world was shrouded in darkness. When I could see a bit, I found myself looking at shadowy silhouettes. Each one was whispering their own secrets.
Look at him.
What can this worm of a boy do?
Their whispers made my blood boil but I kept my cool. After all, this was a test.
My child? My child come back! A female voice whispered. It sounded familiar.

Run, my child! They are after us. Don't worry, I will protect you. I yearned to find out who that was. Then I heard a male voice.
Die, infidel!
Huh! These rebels are futile against us. Another voice shouted. I felt my rage grow but I bit my lip. Blood trickled from my mouth. Suddenly, something touched my forehead. It felt like a fingertip but it was cold and misty, like a fog touched me. Visions flashed through my head. I saw an image of a woman within her mid 40s carrying a baby and whispering sweet melodies to him as he slept in her arms. Another boy was holding on to the woman's shirt. The woman looked at me and smiled. Then, it faded. Another image showed the boy crying outside a burning town. Soon, that image faded as well.

One final picture invaded my vision. A person, about 18 years old, was in an apartment building. He picked up a picture frame before lifting his face towards the sky.
"Whatever destiny awaits me, all I know is one day I promise you, I will be racing into the night with you." He murmured. Then everything faded back into dark, misty domain that I currently resided in. I pulled out my sword and held it up.

"Then, I promise to that person. Someone who has gone through that much sorrow, I will not allow anyone else to suffer like you here. Be it friend or former enemy. I can't let my own biases affect those who have tried to keep the peace." I said. A light shone through the darkness....

I opened my eyes. The figure smiled at me. Then, I doubled over and fell onto the floor. Blood was coming through my mouth. I coughed it out and looked at the figure, shocked.
"Don't be surprised. Even if you don't lose yourself to the darkness, your body would still suffer quite a bit of damage." He explained. I wiped the blood off my mouth and stood up.
"Now for your two gifts. Your first is Reflection, the ability to deflect energy, both physical and magical, away. Of course, this has a limit. Your second is this," He said as he threw a weird looking key to me.
"You can try it out later but this key will connect you to.... a surprise. All you have to do is to put it in the air like there is a door and imagine that door opening as you turn the key." He said.
"Now, your trials are over. Would you like to leave?" I nodded. He waved his hand.
"Good luck." He whispered before my vision became blurred and I found myself at the blocked off entrance of the cave.

Yooooo! I am back! I hope you like the story so far. This story took some thorough thinking. Please enjoy! This is Agent_I signing out.

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