....and Found

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It had been 3 months since I first entered this 'Labyrinth' as I call it. The endless waves of monsters keep coming. I have found no exits and my braces tell me that I am about 5.5 kilometres underground.

I have found 149 different doors, each one leading to another place in the Labyrinth. I'm hoping that 150th time is the charm. I open the doors wearing my clothes which have been reduced to tatters. I took my last swig of water and looked in. The inside contained a giant room that had marble columns, a large weapon shelf with weapons of all kinds propped up. Swords, Spears, whatever weapon you could imagine, it was there. Each embroided with beautiful jewels.

During my time in the Labyrinth, I found 8 Mana Orbs in total, including the 3 I found at first. My energy has been taxed with each level. I had to eat monster meat since I was not well prepared for the Labyrinth. God, why did I come here? Oh well, at least no monsters will be coming out of the cave.

I walked to the centre of the hall, where light was glowing. What seemed to be an apparation appeared, it was shrouded in the light and spoke,

"Hello, this is a recording of the Master of the Maze of Prophecy. If you are receiving this message, it means that you are among the few who have completed the Maze. I wish I could respond to your questions but this is a recording. However, for your brave deeds of clearing the Maze, you can choose one of the numerous weapons on the weapon rack. Or you can listen to the Story of Prophecy. The choice is yours. If you stay here, the Prophecy will be told to you. If not, you can walk away and take one of the weapons. These will definitely fetch you a high price."

I thought for a moment. Prophecies were both good and bad. If I leave with a weapon like those, I would be rich but the risk of Torea's destruction may lie in this Prophecy. I stayed in my spot.

"So you have chosen to hear the Prophecy. Well, all will be revealed." The figure waved its hand. The room transformed into a scene of battle. Monstrous humanoid beings were fighting against humanoid figures that seemed too angelic to be human. Swords and spears clashed, sparks flying in every direction. Even if this was an image from the past, the entire hall shook from the force of the massive war.
"Long ago, Gods and Demons fought in the Great War of Torea. Much blood was spilled from it. Death reigned the battle as bodies of many Celestial Beings and Demons fell. Eventually, with no other way of stopping the war, they sealed the Demons away, sacrificing their physical bodies. Before that, the Gods combined their power to create this Sacred Sword," He snapped his fingers and a sword rose from the ground. It was placed on top of a pedestal, completely sheathed. It radiated some weird energy. From the God of Prophecy, they were given a glimpse into the future and made this prophecy."

"10 fell to the Maze.
10 stood before the Hall of Tests
9 chose Wealth over Torea's Raze
1 chose power over the rest

The One is half in the End
Thy sword and shield prepared for thee
For thou shall defend
Many shall be set free"

"I don't get it." I said.
"The message was meant only for the Gods. They wanted to find the One among their brethren but alas, the One was not of their kind. Nonetheless, they knew that if they were to defend one race, it would be the race with the greatest weakness and draws upon their own strength. The race they chose was the humans. Although physically strong, they were especially weak against the gifts from the Gods on the true race of Torea, Magic. They bestowed upon humans the one weapon of their end, its true name was only revealed to the chosen human. The Saccred Sword. After the war, the Gods sealed themselves and their divine power in the sword. Knowing that the human race would be protected well, they left the sword in the human's hands. All of the chosen ones used the blade to protect their loved ones. However, the true race was enraged and paranoid. What if the humans decided to attack their kind?" He explained

"This led to the hunting of humans, subsequently, it turned into a war. Eventually, the war ended with most of the humans died while the rest went into hiding. The choice that you have chosen has given you another. Do you choose to take the burden of this blade or to leave this place for another to come." He said. I thought about this. The prophecy had been declared. Someone would have to and it could only be a human. So it would either me or Geo and I am not gonna let him turn into half because of my own selfishness.
"I will take the responsibility of the prophecy." I said.
"Very well," he sighed.
"Take the weapon and walk to the magic circle. It will send you to your next task." The recording sputtered and faded away.

I grabbed the sword and immediately, the pain coursed through my body. The Bracelets' energy seemed to pour into my body. As if circuits were fixed into my body, I cried out in pain as the sword poured in mana, against my will. Then, just as quickly, the pain ceased. I released my grip on the sword and gasped for air as I looked at my Bracelets. The metal became dull and brittle. I touched them and they crumbled to pieces, leaving the crystal, dull and dead. My last defence against the queen was now gone. I stood up, held the sheathe before heading towards the magic circle.
Well, I am here now. Even if this thing doesn't work, I have to try. I thought.

I walked up to it and closed my eyes as light filled my vision.

Hello, now the cave may seem like an odd detail but I am trying to fix things up here. If you want me to change something, please leave a comment about it and I will address it as well as possible. This is Agent_I signing out.

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