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My pov
I stayed in the alleys of the city, careful of any incoming trouble. There I heard of people who had the braces stolen and would offer a huge sum in exchange for them. I knew that if I turned them in, I would die. So I stayed incognito. Soon, trouble stirred in the depths of peace. It had been 5 days before it happened. Suddenly the ground shook and the out of the land came a giant metal knight. I could see visible cannons and tiny gun barrels sticking out from the armour of the bot. It was roughly 40 metres tall and its danger was no joke. I created another visor but a flashback stopped me in my tracks.
A song played in my head.....
A kind of spirit like mine in anime......
It was called a stand.....
Then it stopped. I shook my head but then I ran towards the robot and jumped on the it. Then I summoned my stand and ripped a small hole in the side of the bot. Then, I worked my way up. I could see with my visor, a person, controlling the robot. I used my stand and dragged him from under his feet. Well a she. Yup it was a female with a visor. She glared at me before kicking me hard in the face. I was pretty darn pissed at that point. First, a woman who pinned me down. Second, a woman tried to kill me. Now, a woman kicks me in the face? I have lost my respect for women. I've had enough.
"Listen up. I have lost my patience so I will just punch the living shit out of you." I said. She raised her right arm which was connected to a machine attachment and pointed it at my face. I could see one barrel with a bullet locked and loaded. She shot it but my stand caught it. She shot it like a gattling gun but most were punched off except a few which just ricocheted off my body. I thought off a stand cry for a while and found the perfect one.
"Well I guess that's it for you." I said. My stand got his fists ready........

"Peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri peri!! Peri!!!!" Cried my stand as it punched her to pieces. Literally, she split into parts and wires.
"Perire (perish in italian)." I said. Then the whole robot fell over crushing a few buildings. I then left through the hole I made. I felt the shadows consume me as I disappeared. I learnt it a while ago. After a while, I appeared in the alleyway and hid there. The queen's guards came and found the wreckage. I would have stayed and watched but a sound behind me. I turned around to see a young boy, like 8 years old. He was crying, his hands scraped and bleeding.  I held his hands to help him until suddenly his hands started to glow and his wounds were gone. I took my hands away and I could see my stand's hands. He stopped crying and slowly started to smile at me. Then he ran off and I never got to know his name. I smiled before going back to hide in the shadows.

Thank you for reading. Next part will be geo's view. This is Agent_I signing out.

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