Chapter 9 Killer

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Law's POV

"He died?!" I shockly excaimed. Yuki slowly nodded her head and tears were threatening to spill.

Yuki took her hand and covered face. "I'm a killer, I'm a bad killer mon-!" Before her muffled voice finished the sentence, I took her arms away from her face and cupped her cheeks.

"Don't ever say that." I told her. I brushed her cheeks with my thumb as she stared at me. I rested my forehead against her's and spoke.

"You're not a monster, Yuki." I whispered. Yuki gasped a little and pushed me away.

"I-I'm sorry, you're too near..." She mumbled.

Dang it, I almost had it.

"How can he die from just falling down the staircase?" I asked her.

Suddenly, I was teleported to somewhere.

"W-What?! Yuki! Where are you?!" I stood up and searched for her. I was at someone's elses place, I was standing infront of a staircase which leads me downstairs.

Not long, I heard barkings from a familiar dog and a men laughing along with it. "Okay, okay Daisy, I need to go to work!" A man said from behind . I turned my head behind my shoulder and saw a young man who looked twenty and a familiar dog behind him.

That dog was Yuki.

The two of them walked pass me and I kept watching them.

The man squatted infront of the dog and patted her head.

"Daisy, be a good girl and stay home, alright? I'll buy all your dog treats you always wanted!" He told Yuki. Yuki sat down and stared at the man infront of him. The man sighed and walked downstairs.

Suddenly, Yuki barked and tackled him down, causing him to trip and fall down the stairs.

Then, I was back to my real world.

"H-His neck snapped a-and..." After that, Yuki broke into tears. I looked at her with pure sadness.

All I could think of was a broken and helpless girl infront of me sobbing. I stared at her and tried to speak but I can't.

I did what my insticts told me to do.

I grabbed both of her cheeks and gently pressed my lips against her's. I gave her a soft and sweet peck on her lips and pulled away from her face. Yuki gasped a little and placed her fingers on her lips.

"L-Law? I thought you said I needed to save it for my special someone!" She told me. "Am I your special someone?" I asked her as my finger found its way to her chin.

Yuki stared at me for a moment and furrowed her eyebrows. Not long, she leaned in closer to me, her soft pink lips coming towards mine. Her soft gentle lips touched mine and gave me a soft kiss.

She pulled herself back and smiled at me. "I don't know." She giggled.

My heart skipped a beat from her smile, she was trying to kill me.

"So is it a yes, or a no?" I asked her.

Yuki furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the ceiling with questioning eyes.

"I don't know." She cutely mumbled.

I chuckled at her and looked at the time.

It was 7:56 p.m.

"Time flies by so fast." Yuki pouted. "You hungry?" I asked her.

She nodded her head vigrously.

"I'm so hungry that I could eat a dinosaur!" She flung up her arms to espress herself. I chuckled at her and grabbed her wrist. "Let's go eat then." I told her and walked to the kitchen.

I pulled the chair for her and Yuki sat down. I bowed infront of her. "What would you like to have, my lady?" I tried my best to speak out a french accent. Yuki giggled at my failed attempt.

"Chocolate would be fine." She rested her elbow one the table and rested her cheeks against her palm of her hands. I gave her a mocking salute and walked to the fridge. I opened the freezer as the cold wind kissed my face.

I took out my all time favourite milk chocolate and closed the fridge.

I walked towards Yuki and placed the chocolate infront of her.

"Here you go, my lady." I said and sat next to her.

She unwrapped the wrapping and broke the chocolate. She nibbled on the corner and brought her tongue to her teeth. 'This is nice!" Yuki moaned. Not long, she ate all the chocolate.

I chuckled at her and brought her to the bathroom.

I took her toothbrush and gave it to her which she glady accepted it. I took mine and the toothpaste. I screw off thecap and squeezed a little amount on mine and Yuki's.

I started to brush my teeth. After that, I spat the paste out and Yuki did what I did just now.

After that, Yuki and I dashed to my room. I let Yuki in first and locked the door. "We almost died there." Yuki panted. I chuckled at her and turned on the air conditioner. I switched on the lamp and turned off my room light.

Yuki plopped down my bed and rolled to the window. I lay next to her and took the covers. I threw it over me and Yuki as the blanket blocked us from the coldness of the Winter night and the air conditioner. "Law, can you please turn of the air-con, I'm freezing!" She shivered.

I took the remote control and switched it off.

I swiped her frinch away and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep tight Yuki, it's your first day of school tommorow." I whispered and stroked her hair. Yuki let out a soft groan. "Okay, night night!" She said.

I chuckled at her and switched off the lights.

I shifted myself so that I could face Yuki and stared at her petite features. Suddenly, she shifted herself nearer to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Goodnight Law." She giggled. I smiled at her and wrapped my hands around her waist as my legs trapped her.

"Goodnight, Yuki, sweet dreams." Was the last thing I said before I fell into darkness.

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