Chapter 6 (Azriel)

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One minute were chatting beside the river, the next Izzy's on the ground screaming. I bend down sliding an arm under her knees and behind her back. She thrashes trying to get out of my arms, but I just hold tighter.

I shoot into the sky. My wings speeding us home. I land on the roof so hard my knee's pop. Tucking in my wings, I shift Izzy into one arm and fling open the door.

I take the stairs three at a time. I'm in the foyer now, Rhys, Amren, and Mor we're sitting in the living room chatting quietly. I run in and they all look to me.

"She  just dropped in the rainbow and started screaming about how the voices, that the voices wouldn't stop."

Rhys was already up. Mor vanishes presumably to a healer. Amren at least closed her book.

Rhysand motions for me to set her on the couch. She's stopped screaming but she's still muttering under her breath.

"When did she black out?" Rhys asks concern lacing his words. Mor reappears with the Madja. The latter busying herself with Izzy.

"I launched into the sky, then she passed out when I stopped moving." I turn to Madja and add.

"She keeps muttering about voices." I say hoping that any information will help.

"Yes, yes now you busybodys please leave me to examine her." With that she swats her hand to the door without looking up.

I herd the others out the door. Once we're out side I start pacing.

"She'll be fine." Rhys states "Madja's the best in the biz." I whirl at the humor in his words.

"She doesn't diser-" I start but Amren cuts in "Isabelle will be fine. Now quit your blubbering boy."

"Her name is Izzy." I say under my breath.
"What was that boy?"
"Nothing." I say quickly.

I plop in the one of the benches in the front lawn. I leave the sigh I had been holding in since Izzy collapsed.

"I'm going to my apartment unless one of you want to bring a screaming girl there too." Amren growls. She stomps off, unlatching the gate just to slam it again.

Mor winnowed out to wherever, likely to Feyre. Rhys sits down next to me.

"Out with it." He says. I sigh again reluctant to share but...

"I feel like I'm responsible for her. I feel like I need to be there for her." I confess.

"I know how you feel." Rhys admits. The year since he had meet Feyre, He went mad trying to tell himself that she was happy.

Madja opens the door and closes it behind her. Down the steps she walks over to us.

"She's ok physically but her mental state is quite closed." She says as a way of greeting. "She is still out but should wake in the morning. Otherwise there is nothing I can do. If she has another out burst just do what makes her stop screaming, then call me."

"Okay, Thanks Madja." Rhys says with a wave as she heads out the gate. I'm in the house by the time Madja is out of hearing distance. Izzy is still on the couch, when I walk to the living room. I scoop her up as Rhys walks in.

"Feyre's old bedroom is open for her. If she wants." Rhys offers. "We're also having a family dinner tonight, if you think she'll be awake, or even up for it."

Nodding, I walk down the hall and climb the stairs, I carry Izzy to the end of the hall. I push the door open with my foot. And walk in.

I lay her on the bed, off white hair pooling around her head. Her skin is pale but darkening. A few freckles dot her nose and under her eyes.

Her eyes, while closed now, are bright blue. Izzy has a small figure but based on how fast she pinned Cas she has a lot of muscle.

She looks peaceful now. Not worried or sad, just happy. Unafraid.

I sit carefully on the bed, after I tuck her under the covers. In the few hours she has been here she's not met everyone. Cas an I brought her here. She's seen Amren and I but that's it. I hope she'll be awake for dinner. I'd be a shame to have to leave.


She let's out a groan, eyes opening slightly. I prop myself up to scan her face.

"Az?" She asks.
"They are gone."
"That's good though right?"
"Yeah but what's the point?" She sighs. "Of pretending not to be strange." She gestures around her. "I don't belong here." She slumps against her pillow.

"Life is unpredictable, but the people that you surround yourself with that make the bad days better."

Elain bursts through the door.

"Beware the one who hears what is not spoken. He will be her undoing. You've been warned." She snapped out of the trance she was in.

Part of my mind tells me Izzy is the being who hears what is not heard. She yelled at Cas when we got her, for no reason. She constantly asks if we said something if weather we did or not.

"What am I doing up here." Elain puts a hand to her head.

"You were just asking us what we wanted for dinner." I say before Izzy can say anything.

If you can hear me, lie. Don't think just do it.

Izzy shifts from under the covers. "Yeah," she says her face draining in color. "I said I would like the chefs choice" she winks but it doesn't look genuine.

"Oh okay then." She leaves the room, still looking confused and dazed. Izzy looks to me.

"Help me." She says. A single tear streaking down her cheek.

I am going to keep the chapters shorter but try an update more often for you guys. I don't own any of Sarah J Maas's people places names or things. Thanks for reading. Leave a vote!!

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