Chapter 9

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I'm on my knees. My power fleeting, like an oceans tide. I'd never done that much creating.

I done it a few times before.

Small creatures. Nothing close to tonight. Well except for novel items. Inanimate objects are much easier to create.

When I was six I learned I could touch someone with solid abilities and be able to create things.

Living and not.

The first time I Created it was when I got shoved into a bare stone room.

I sat in the corner and burried my my head in my knees sobbing. I was terrified of the dark for a while.

Then I got over it.

I'm started when I was about 4. Summer's previous High Lord, had planned a birthday bash for Tarquin.

Everyone was invited. Before I turned six I was allowed to go out and about, so I went.

Since schooling was deemed unnecessary, I had a lot of free time.

Tarquin was turning 20. He personally shook every males hand and kissed every females.

The second his tanned skin touched mine I knew something changed.

Sand under your toes, the building waves. That's what I felt. I dismissed it as nothing more than just being in summer.

Boy was I wrong.

Standing and brushing my knees off wasn't a big deal but gathering the energy to walk back to the dinner table was another.

Cassian had set his wolf pup down, arms bracing ready to support me.

"Easy, now." he says.

Too late I clutch his hand. Strength courses through me. I feel suddenly better gaining strength that Cas had provided.

"I'm good now." I breathe. " Just hungry.

I waddle over to the large table that now dines 7 fae, 2 wolves, and a giant cat that reuses to leave Amren's feet.

Without answering the concerned looks I'm getting, I pile my plate with chicken, rice, and a creamy fluff that melts in my mouth.

At my sudden dismissal they return to their conversation something about the manor being finished.

"You can live in the townhouse if you want Azriel." Feyre offers. "Then you wouldn't have to be so alone up in the House of Wind."

Az shrugged this comment off.

"I don't know." He says. And that was that.

Rhys had some big report about Velaris that I decided was between all of them. I excuse myself to the restroom to give them privacy, and when I return Cas and Mor had left.

When I asked about there wear-abouts Amren said that they went to Rita's.


We all turn our attention to Amren. She's blushing. I've never seen a more human gesture come from her.

A soft purr is coming from her drection but from under the table.


I grab a chicken bone and toss it under the table.

More delighted purrs come from Amren's cat.

"I should take him home" she states to no one in particular. "Topaz, come." She says, stretching her arms before strolling down the gravel path to the bridge overlooking the Sidra.

"Oh great, she named it already." Rhys says pinching his nose bridge.

Feyre and I laugh at the sarcasm. Bright and open.

"You haven't talked much tonight, and I'm curious about your story." Rhys folds his hands in his lap, waiting.

"I was born twenty-five years ago. Dispite my age, I was full grown around nine, unlike any other fae. When I was six and a half I was shoved into a brick room with no lights or furniture. My father wanted to protect my virginity by any means necessary." I pause.

"A little while before I was sealed in my room, I was allowed out and about. I never had schooling so I had to attend parties and balls, under close supervision. A small party went to Adriata for Tarquin's 20th birthday. That's where I got my first solid powers."

"Sitting in my room, that was dark and damp, made me think about any thing but the situation I was in. I thought about how soft and crisp sheets of a bet would be and how I would love a light. Just thinking about the objects made them appear."

"I've spent every day since In that room until, you know." I finish heaving a sigh.

Three sets of eyes are glued to me. Assessing. Worried.

"I'm tired." I say to divert the attention elsewhere. Az nods.

"I'll take you back to the townhouse."

A few minutes later, I'm curled up in Azriel's arms. The extra warmth welcome. The moment we land I padder down the stairs to the room I had been using.

I bid Az goodnight at my door, slipping through the small crack and closing it tight behind me. The sheets of the bed are warm and silky against my pale white skin.

I no more than blow out the candles, before sleep claims me.

Sorry that it's been a while since I updated last. School's out now so I should be able to update more often. This is more of a filler chapter with info about Izzy's background. There is more to tell though so be ready for some more hatred of the Court of Nightmares. (I know it's probably not possible but trust me) Please leave a vote. Comments and critiques are always welcome.

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