Chapter 7

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"We should go to dinner. Maybe they can help you understand or even master your abilities." Az says finally convincing me. We're in the last bedroom in the town house.

"Fine if it makes you happy I'll go," I say rolling my eyes.

A few hours later I'm in the same bedroom I woke up in. I asked Azriel for directions to the nearest fabric store.

He'd found several and offered to fly me but I refused. He shoved money in my hands, way more than I would need, and shoves me out the door.

I set off with the few directions and weave my way through the streets.

At the front gate turn right, walk for 3 blocks then turn left. The fabric store is 5 blocks after that.

I hum a tune I had heard this morning when Az took me to the symphony. The music was strange compared to the Court of Nightmares.

It had only been a matter of 12 hours since I had been in the throne room of my prison.

I arrive at the seamstress's shop. The doors are wide open with a welcome sign.

A gray tabby cat is walking through the store. It's tail kinked in an odd direction. I bend sideways and pet from his head to his awkward tail.

A tanned skinned faerie walks out from behind the counter.

"Let me know if there is anything I can help you with." She smiles and her cheeks bunch up with the motion.

"Actually there is." I stand from where I stooped. "I'm looking for a specific fabric."

I explained that I was looking for a white metallic fabric with silver thread stiching woven in.
I also needed light weight fake crystals.

"Tricky costomer. Just what I needed. No ones really come in today." She states, " I think I have the crystals your talking about, but the fabric would be a bit more difficult."

She taps her chin a few times thinking. "I think I can do as you ask but it will be more expensive."

I can do it myself I just need the fabric and thread, but looking at her shelves she doesn't get many costomers.

"Might I help you." I ask, " I'm rather good with a sewing machine and needles." The one thing that I had been allowed to do was sew because it was a "quality any bride or female should have".

She nods and motions for me to follow her behind the counter. She leads me to a sizeable room with four sewing machines and countless threads and fabrics.

She shuffled through a few boxes and found the crystals in blue and white she found a fabric that resembles liquid starlight. She said that it came from a Weaver that owns a shop on the rainbow.

Rosemary, also found a thread that was the opposite of Hope, the liquid star. This was so black it soaked up the light surrounding it. The Weaver created it after she lost someone dear. She called it Void.

I nodded when Rosey asked if I wanted to use that instead. I purchased the fabrics and she and I started sewing.

An hour or so later we have a beautiful dress. The main dress is made of Hope but the seams we're purposefully revealed, and done in Void.

The actual dress only took twenty minutes. What took so long was the hand sewing of the gems. Every inch of fabric is covered is crystals.

I pay for the excess fabric and some extra for her time. She hands back the money.

"It's free as long as you promise that you'll make one of those for me!"

"It's a bargain." I say, smiling
"Indeed it is.

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