Chapter 16

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Remonds disapearence had lit a spark in the court of nightmares. Keir was especially suspicious of the inner circle but he kept his slimy mouth shut.

The residents all believed that he had gone drunk hunting. Since it was a common occurrence for him, no one looked too far into the fact he had not returned for starfall.

Izzy had gotten back from training drenched and cursing cassian. When I laughed so hard the neighbors could hear she flipped me off, and went upstairs to change.

"I was daydreaming and that motherfucker dumped a bucket of ice water on me!" Izzy scowled from where she sat across the table.

I chukled earning a death glare from Iz. 

"Its. Not. Funny."

"It is a little bit" I grin

She grumbled something under her breath, I could hear it but I chose not too.

"Im going to cook supper. Want me to make you something too?" She asked.

I freeze. She must not know. Or she must not havee the same hunch in do.

Breathe its fine just politely decline.

"I- I have to go to work" I panicked. She narrowed her eyes not buying it  "Okay" she replied slowly.

I vanish to the sky above the house of wind. Snaping my wings out I glide to the nearest balcony. I couldnt hide forever. Starfall was in 2 hours I would see her then.

That is if she still wanted to come with me.

I hid for a while in the library but it was nearing time so, Gathering my courage I flew back to the town house.

The crisp spring breeze did little to mask my nerves. I land on the roof and waltz past the twin iron chairs.

"Finally decide to stop hiding?"

I pause at her brittle voice, my hand on the door knob. I look over my shoulder to see Iz, lounging in one of the iron chairs, swiging from a wine bottle.

"Your drinking?" I ask avoiding the question. She pats the chair next to her without breaking her gaze from the slowly setting sun. Apprehensive I stagger over and sit in the chair. I adjust my wings to avoid her gaze.

"Yes" she answers peering over to me, "I was waiting for you." She looks back to the sunset.

"Did I do something wrong" her voice cracks. I whip my head to look at her, the sun turning her hair orange and red. Her eyes rimmed with red.

"I- No. You did nothing wrong."

"Why didnt you stay to eat then?" She replies swirling the wine bottle.

She must have seen the battle raging in my eyes, because before I could answer she started "Do you," she paused contemplating, "You think were mates dont you?" She finished, still gazing at the ever fading sun.

My heart stopped dead in my chest.

"You think were mates. Thats why you never eat or drink something I've made. You always do the cooking," Iz had started wringing her wrists. "Is it because if we were mates, you would want less of a mess..." she gestures to herself silver leaking from her eyes.

I felt like a monster. I hadnt reliesed she noticed when I pushed my food around my plate but never took a bite.  I hadnot relised she noticed i took up the cooking.

I did this.

"I do think we are mates. And its not that I dont eat your food because I dont want you, if we were mates I want you to have a choice not to be forced into it, like most things in your life."

Before I could finish my sentance, Iz had launched out of her chair and wrapped her arms around my shoulders burying her head in my neck.

"Thank you"

My arms snaked around her waist, holding her closer to me. Her smooth vanilla sent wafting around me.

"You dont have to thank me for respecting your rights as a being." I say, her fingers toying with the tips of my hair.

"Not many people are like that though" Iz replies releasing her bone crushing hug. Sher face was blotchy and tears still stained her cheeks. I brush them away.

"I want to go slow," she stammers, "I want to enjoy every second not race to the finish line."

I smile bright and unrestrained, "that sounds perfect." I glance toward where the sun had dipped below the sidra, "We should hurry its starting soon"

This was soooo long ago lol. I'm probably never going to work on this story again but I had this and chapter 17 in drafts that I'll publish- thank you all for making a 16 year old proud of her work-

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