Chapter 14

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I fell asleep, wrapped in Azriel's warm arms.

He made me feel whole, made me forget about everything.

I woke up still curled to his chest, both of his arms still wrapped around me. His chin resting on my head.

A wall of dark surrounds me, red, purple, and golds shine though illuminating Azriel's wing streched over me.

His breath is warm on my face, as I look up to his beautiful face. He was still in a deep sleep, breathing heavy and even, but his face looked different.

His lips werent set into a frown, as they usually were, but a small smile. His hansome hazel eyes were closed, and az looked peaceful, happy.

My eyes trail down to his collarbone, his tattoos visible above the collar of his tanktop. I gently trace them fascinated by the intricacy of them.

Swirls and whirls of smoke with stars scattered randomly.

"That tickles"

I snatch my hand back Az chuckles still holding me tight to him like he never wanted to let me go.

I didnt want to leave either.

"I dont mind it though." He said grinning. Streaching my hand out, i reach for his face not tattoos. I brush a few stray strands of hair out of his face. His eyes meet mine. I trace the lines of his face.

He sayed still, im not sure if he was even breathing. That was until my stomach growled, demanding food.

"Sounds like someone is hungry" Az said into my mind.

I shake my head,"i want to stay here though" i tell him.

"I know im irresistible but i cant have you starving, now can I" he replies with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. Punching him in the arm, i sit up, realizing an important event today. Its starfall.

I say as much to az who nods and slips out of the bed.

"Are you sure you still want to go with me?" His back is to me as if fearing i had changed my mind. I step of the bed and walk directly in front of him.
I grab his hands and hold them.

"No i haven't changed my mind. I want to go with you. Even though i still have no idea what it is, i still want to enjoy it with you. Ok?" His head drops.

"Thank you" barely more than a hoarse whisper.

"OH SHIT!" I say, "I had training with cas this morning!" I push past az riffling through the drawers grabbing my leathers. I hurry to the bathroom to change, az disappearing to cauldron knows where.

I race to put on the form fitting leathers struggleing with the straps.
"Fuck it!"i say to myself i throw my hair into a pony and disapear in a poof of shadows.

I appear downstairs a fraction of a heart beat later grabbing toast out of the toaster.

"Let me help with the straps." Az says grabing one of them that was dangling, "Dont choke on the toast, cas isnt even there yet." He puls on the strap tightening it, then reaches for the next expertly fastening them.

He reached the thigh straps faster than i would have if i did it myself.

"He wont care if your late, but he will make you run forever if you show up with wonky armor." Az said concentrating on the last strap.

"Thanks for helping- i seriously got to to go." I tell him waving goodbye. I use his shadows to get to the house of snow in a few seconds. Cas had just gotten there when i landed.

"Ah looky here princess punctuality is late!" Cas says while exicuting a back flap to slow down.

"Says the one who just got here" i retorted hands on my hips. "Lets make this session quick i have plans this afternoon"


I opened my eyes to a hand softly tracing my tattoos, izzy was to busy concentrating on the outline to notice that i had woken up.

"That tickles"

She whips her hand back almost like she was being burned. I squeeze her tight not wanting to let her go just yet.

"I dont mind it though" she reached her hand toward my face tracing my lips, nose and eyes. I would have thanked the mother if we could have stayed like that forever.

(Time skip)

A few minutes after Isabelle left for training, a knock sounds at the door.


I whip the door open, Rhys standing there running a hand through his hair.

"We need to talk about the situation with the Court of Nightmares." He sighs.

I simply nod stepping aside to let him in. Leading him to the kitchen, I lean on the counter. This conversation is going to piss me off but its important that we figure out what we are going to do.

"We cant force her to go back, but we cant risk a civil war eithin the night court." Rhys states.

"What if we say that she is now apart of this court. It could stop them from retaliating."

"That would usually work but," rhys states slowly contemplating the next part, "Remaund said in the letter that and i quote 'If you do not return my property, ill find a way to kill her myself'"

Red flames, fire, and rage is all that i see. My ears ringing as I winnow into the heart of The Court of nightmares.

Directly in front of Remaund.

The prick had the idiodic idea to grin.

I reach out my arm and wrap my fingers around his neck.


His body slumps to the floor in a heap.

My vission starts to clear, when i realise what I'd done.

F. U. C. K.

The general to the dark bringers, remaund, was dead on the floor because I had lost my composure.

Fuck fuck fuck.

I loved writing this chaper. So much fluff and murder!!!!! I promise im not psycho, just a bit insane during quarantine. Stay home, stay safe, and read wattpads. Happy monday.

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