Chapter 8

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My heart tightens.

"Thanks." I say then look away, quickly. "The daemati thing isn't the only thing. I didn't know about that."

"So, what else is there." He asks. He seems relived that I'm talking about it.

"I call it Mirroring" I say as we land at a diner on the shore of the Sidra. "I'll show you at dinner with every one else."

The others landed and Az sets me down. I wobble for a second. Azriel plants a firm hand under my elbow.

Regaining my balance, I sit in the  chair to the left of the head, Feyre sits next to me, Rhys next to her, Amren at the other head, Az is across from me, Cas is next to him. Nesta and Elain aren't here tonight but they would have taken the other seats.

My dress slithers on the metal chairs. Flinching a bit, a waitress comes and greets us, then asks what we would like.

"The usual would be nice." Rhys answers her cool and calm. She snaps her finger and the food instantly appears.

"I had it made before hand." She says. They must come here often then.

The thoughts that usually pounded my head had dimmed.  All but one. One directed towards my always listening ears.

"Please tell them." Azriel. His voice is unmistakable. I shoot him a glare that I willed to say I would. His shoulders shook with laughter. Amren looks to Az, like she knows of our secrets.

She looks back to Mor who had been talking about her day.

"Your going to get me in trouble."

This time I try to push a thought back.

"Yeah? With who?"

Azriel spits his wine across the table, startling Feyre who throws a shield around us. He starts choking. Cas thumps Az on the back.

"What was that about?" Amren almost spat. I look to Az and he nods, finally stopping his episode.

"It was me." I gulp, not sure of this.

"How might I ask was it you?" Amren retorts, apparently cranky.

"I can read thoughts like you're speaking to me." I force the words out of my throat.

"I can also imitate or copy powers physical and magical ones." I say. "That's why I was able to pin both Az and Cas."


"How does it work?" Rhys questions.

"I simply touch a person's aura or being and I get all of their powers." I say shifting uncomfortably. "I can show you if you want."

"Here try me." Feyre says from beside me. Offering her arm. I lay may hand carefully on her tanned skin. I feel flooded with water, snow, fire, dark, light. Everything that is her is now mine too.

The Sidra, a mere feet away, rises. The water churning creating figures.

"Any suggestions of pets?" I ask,"I have one more thing to show you."

"Wolf pup!" Cassian yells. I nod and will the water to form two small wolf pups with it's currents. I stand and walk to the water pups I lay a hand on them.

I use my last power to feed my energy in to them.

The cool water turns to silky warmth. I open my clenched eyes and see two pure white wolves. One pup has a crystal blue eyes, the other has one blue, and one dirt brown.

I stand from where I crouched, with the pups in my arms.

"Tada" I say panting.

Three high pitched squeals shread through the silence. Mor and Feyre some how attached to each other and we're jumping up and down.

The other scream was from none other than Cassian. He races forward and nabs one of the pups. The ball of fluff squirms in his arms.

My wolf pup is comfortable and is sleeping in my arms.

Rhys sighs and says "Of course you can create life because who can't."

"Cassian the house is not going to turn into a zoo for your pleasure." Azriel states.

Amren snorts and says to my surprise "I want a big cat."

I smile waving my hand in the direction of the water. A plains cat forms and prowls around.

Amren eyes gleam. "He's perfect."

I lay my hand against the water again. The water lapping at my fingers. I try hard hard to concentrate but something nagging on the back of my mind makes it difficult.

Fur meets my fingers then warmth. I wait for a moment longer. A wet toungue drags across my skin. I open my eyes.

Amren had already launched out of her seat and wrapped her tiny arms around the cheetah that I had created.

A wave of nausea washes over me and on teeter on the edge of collapsing.

Too much.



Thanks for reading! I really enjoy this fan fic, I'm having so much fun being my inner drama queen so..... Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy ride. 😉😁😜

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