Chapter 10

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A few weeks later:

Mor and Amren were running errands for Elain who was planning a party. Why? I, for once, have no idea.

While they are busying themselves with planning, Az and I have been training my abilities.

First, the thought reading. I'm now able to "turn them off and on". Sometimes I'll get a few stray thoughts that come my way with out me trying.

But for some reason Az can direct specific thoughts to me and it will get through my shields.

Yesterday we started with the stealing or copying of other abilities.

With a slight brush of skin I am able to inherit his shadows they whisper in my ears as they do his. Gathering around my shoulders.

I know it's strange but me and the shadowsinger have grown close in the days that I've been here. Like a piece of me will always be here in Velaris.

Azriel had taken partial ownership of the town house, but was insisting that I continue to stay in Feyre's old bedroom.

I had wanted to earn my keep. Get a job. Maybe at the seamstress's. But Az insisted that I stay rent free.

I promise nonetheless that I would pay him back for his kindness.

"Starfall is coming up." Az states while I dissolve into shadows, then reappear.

"What's that." I say pausing my repetitions. I lean against the small table in the used to be office.

"A surprise."

"Oh really?" I say sarcasticaly. Reaching to the center of the table where there is a basket of ripe apples.

"Yep." He replies popping the P.

I take a large bite of my apple. Juice filling my mouth before I swallow.

"I was wondering," he runs his hands through his hair nervously, "i-if you would go with me?"

"As just friends." He adds, blushing.

"I would love to go to this elusive Star fall." I say smirking. I'd never seen him at a loss for words.

"It's a bargain" he says.

"Indeed it is" I reply. A tingle runs down my spine.

"So now where were we?" I ask. Trying to break the silence.

"Um, you were practicing with the shadows."

"Right." I continue my reps. Fade out, then back into the office.

Repeating with the same power helps me hold on to it for longer. The longer I keep the power the longer I can survive.

Az knows this, because he seems determined to keep me alive from unknown horrors.

A door slams somewhere in the house. Probably Cassian.


Foot steps pound up the steps and the door to the office opens abruptly.

"What, Cassian?" I say rolling my eyes. He leans against the doorway, positioned as if he needed to leave at a moment's notice.

"Well," He drawls, "I was wondering what kind of "training" you two do every day."

I roll my eyes again.

"Also I wonde-" he says before I cut him off.

"As much as I would love to beat you to a pulp I already have enough training." I say already knowing his response.

"Wait-" he starts again

"Mind reading remember."

"Why not train with one of the  legendary Illiryans. Especially the one with the biggest wingspan." He wiggles his eye brows.

A deep snarl comes from the male seated in front of me.

I lay a hand on his clenched fists.

The rage is gone.




"Cassian will you please shut your dirty mind?!" I say glaring at the warrior in the doorframe.

I block the thread to his mind before he turns down a darker road. One that would end with him eating the floorboards.

"If you would train with me I wouldn't be suspicious." Cas bats his eyes.

How many times can I roll my eyes with this overgrown bat.

"Fine!" I cave, "Five o' clock sharp. No sooner no later." At that Cas raises his brows "What were not all princess who need half the morning to get ready."

At that he laughs.

"Ok then "Izzy"". Using air quotes around my name. Always poking fun that one. Get ready for a bear tomorrow Cassian because I'm not holding back.

Thanks for reading. I know that it's shorter but it's late and I'm tired. These next few chapters are more fillers to get to Starfall+Drama. Comment characters that you would like to see more of and I'll try and fit as many in as possible. Don't forget to vote/ comment.

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