A New Perspective

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Xavier's POV

Today has been really weird and hectic, I got kicked out of that hellhole THANK GOD, Kailer saved me from being homeless, and Kailer has been acting weird. Anyway, it's 1:45 am and I can't sleep. I'm too scared, I know that Kailer is with me but I still don't feel safe I only knew him for like almost 3 days and I don't know if I can trust him. 

It's warm in his room and it's really spacious. As I continue to shuffle around to make myself more comfortable so then I can fall asleep easier I wake him up. He turns on a lamp so then he can see my face. 

"X, what's wrong? You can't sleep?" he whispered softly his morning voice showing through a little making me blush more than intended. I shake my head and look down at the pillow that I was laying on.

I'm sorry for waking you, I'll try and go to sleep and with that, I turned around and tried to stay still

"Hey, hey, hey, don't worry. Come here" he says. As I turn around he pulls me closer to him so close that my body is pressed up against his own. He hugs me and doesn't let go

"Let's go to sleep okay?" he mumbles and turns off the light, I nod and close my eyes and try and eventually fall into a deep slumber. The next morning I woke up cold and Kailerless I whimpered with the loss of heat from his body and slowly rose up from the bed rubbing my eyes. 

"Good morning sleepyhead," Kailer says as he walks back into his room. he was playing with his messy curly hair as he was looking for a new set of clothing.

I nodded and got off the bed. I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder so then he can look at me as I signed.

What time is it? I asked.

"4:30 pm, You seemed really tired and didn't want to wake you." he lightly smiled and put his hand on the side of my face. I immediately flinch being the only instinct that I cannot control, his face saddens and I give a sorrowful look and smile softly. He smirks back and continues to find a shirt. I blush as I go back to sit on the bed and wait. I look around his room and I get a really good look on it, it's so warm and loving. he has pictures of aesthetically pleasing things like a radial blur effect on a bush of flowers, or night version of the Eiffel Tower and some shadow effects on some other things. Before my Dad was abusive he used to teach me things about camera effects and how to use it, he used to be a photographer.

 I slightly tear up from the memory but quickly wipe my eyes before Kailer could notice. He's really sweet to me and I appreciate that a lot. I just wish that I could be more open and not closed off. Maybe I should try and at least change my perspective on things. Kailer is really changing that decision and I think that I should really give him a chance.

"Hey X?" he turned to my direction


"My family is going out for dinner and they're inviting you to come, you wanna go?" he asked excitement leaking through his facial expression, I smile and nod. He laughs and hugs me. My feet are in the air and I'm at eye level with him, in the moment I see his beautiful grey and blue eyes and his chiseled facial features. I couldn't look away and stop smiling. He softly put me down and finally finishes getting ready and then he hands me a hoodie. I nod and walk to his bathroom and change my shirt. I looked in the mirror as I took my shirt off. 

I'm so bony, I never knew. I thought I was fat. I silently start to cry as I continue to examine my underfed body that is littered with bruises. New perspective huh? Maybe not.

Hoped ya'll liked this chapter. It took me a while to come up with something

I was so sidetracked


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