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Xavier's POV

It's been a few days since the dinner and the fact that I haven't been in school. I've had a few days to myself, some were with Kailer but overall it was very relaxing. Today I have to go back to school and I absolutely don't want to go back to that place that caused me pain besides my "home". I really don't want to go but it'll be different right? Kailer said he's going to be by my side the whole time. I really hope he's right and I won't feel so afraid like I did before. That's so weird I've only known Kailer for such a short amount of time but I feel like I've known him my whole life (cliche I know) I've gotten ready already and now I'm just waiting for Kailer to finish because he woke up late, I've already had breakfast. It was so good Mrs. Tyson's is the best and her cooking is amazing, I haven't had breakfast like that since I was 4.

"XAVIER?!? WHERE ARE YOU!?!" he yelled

"K, he's in the kitchen with me" Mrs. Tyson yelled back, handing me 20 dollars. I shook my head immediately and denied the money.

No no no no, it's fine. Thank you, Mrs. Tyson

"I insist please, You've been so kind since you've stepped foot into this house and I can tell you are making Kaikai really happy I'd just like to give you a small token of my appreciation for being so kind and letting us all help you" she smiled brightly and handed it to me, I generously took the money and hugged her and thanked her as I turned around I saw Kailer standing next to me with the most contagious smile, I smiled back at him and told him that I would be waiting at the door as he went to finish his eggs. He said ok and I went on to grab my bookbag and putting on my shoes.

Kai's POV

 As I finished getting ready I could hear my mother and X talking, so being me I went to eavesdrop to see what they are talking about. It wasn't that serious so I just thought that I would go downstairs and just continue on with my life but when I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the kitchen it was then where I saw XM speaking to my mother. She glanced at me for a quick second before smiling once again and putting her focus back on the boy. I silently stood next to the smaller boy waiting for him to finish, he hugged my mom and continued to thank her. My smile grew bigger seeing the cute little flustered boy be so kind and happy, he finally turned around and was shocked I mean of course he would be. He soon said he was going to wait for me as I eat my breakfast.

~ A few minutes later~

We say bye to my mother and waited for the bus, I don't really like taking my car unless I have too because I don't want people to care about rich I am and also I really care about the earth and don't want to use gas so there would be less pollution. As we wait I can tell that X is really on edge

"X? Are you ok?" I ask. He nods and looks away, he looks really nervous and tense

"Are you sure? You seem really nervous" I ask my voice lacing deeper with concern. I turn towards him my focus only on him. He looks at me his eyes glossy and his lip quivering

I don't want to go back there, I can't go back What I saw broke my heart and I just engulfed him in a hug and continued to comfort him.

"You don't have to go if you really don't want to" I whispered softly.

He looked at me unsure If he really meant it. I smiled and nodded my head and he just put his head back on my chest in content. I picked him up and took both our bags as we re-entered the house. Mother looked at me confused but then saw Xavier's Tear stained face and got the memo. She continued to work on her computer as I went upstairs and put him down

"Sleep Xavier, I'll come back to check on you okay?" he looked up with a sad expression, tears threatening to fall again

Can you please stay? Please? I grinned

"Okay I will, and X?"


"Please don't feel sad anymore, I'm here to protect you now so you don't need to cry anymore. Smile for me?" I asked looking deep into his blue-green crystal eyes he nodded showing the most beautiful smile, it made me all warm inside. I closed the door and closed the window and took our shoes off then climbed in bed with X. 

As we both started to drift and I whispered 'I love you' before fully closing my eyes and entering into the dream world



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