Hosptial Desolate

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The room they are in^^

No One's POV

Kailer and Xavier were rushed to the emergency, Kailers parents were called and were informed immediately. Once they got there they were met by Tailer. In desperate wonders, if the boys were okay Mrs. Tyson rushed to the front desk with Mr. Tyson and Tailer on her tail she then asked

"Where are they? Kailer and Xavier? Are they okay? How badly was the crash?" Words spilled out of her mouth uncontrollably, her lip started to quiver tears glossing over eyes and threating to fall.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I have no information of them except the fact that they just went into surgery" the small woman spoke in a small voice. Mrs. Tyson burst into tears and Mr. Tyson and Tailer embrace her in a hug as they walked to sit down in the waiting room. Fear racked her body and the thought of her children facing the gate of death, the grim reaper threatening and forcing them to enter. 


They waited for hours and hours, anticipation and nervousness veining through them wanting to know the news about the boys. Finally, after what seemed like a month they got some info.

"Good evening, My name is Dr. Mendes, I am the assigned doctor for Kailer Joseph Tyson and Xavier Mateo Martinez," he greeted. The three stood up quickly, walking over they whisper incoherent phrases about the boys in nervousness.

Tailer speaks up and asks, 

"How's X and Kai? are they okay? What happened to the-"

"Xavier is resting now, his injuries weren't as severe but will probably have to be on bed rest for a week or two," Dr. Mendes responded. Their breaths eased a little before wanting and needing to hear what the doctor had to say next.

"But, I'm sorry to say but he has full-blown amnesia, he won't remember anything and we don't know when his memory will return or if it will return. It's a very slim chance."

Hearts were dropped, It will be like starting all over. They were for surely devastated but quickly recoiled their feelings 

"Hey, at least he's alive and okay, right?" Mrs. Tyson asked with a sad and yet relieved smile. The boys smiled in return and after a few minutes, they placed their attention back on Dr. Mendes

"And what about Kailer?! Is he okay?" Mrs. Tyson asked anxious rising back up from the grave. His mood suddenly changed, it went from light-hearted and joyous (joyous? is that right? I doubt it) to sympathetic and sorrowful facial expression. 

"He is in a coma, and we don't think it's likely he'll wake up" 

Cries were ringed out for the worst from all 3 of them. They couldn't believe the words they were hearing.

"Yo-You can come and visit them, they are in the same room. Room 485," he said quietly before leaving to do some medical stuff. They nod and slowly walk to the elevator. Depressed sighs are heard in the silent elevator as it went to the top floor. As they walk they hear cries of heartbroken parents, children screaming, and babies crying.  babies crying was maybe the only good sound possibly coming from a hospital. They finally reach the room hesitant to open the door scared for what they might face. No one would want to face what they were about to face. 

Swiftly the door was opened and they walk in They look around the room before their eyes land on the two boys. 

Tears build up once more in the mother's eyes as they walk up to the closed-eyed males, Her breath hitches that oxygen mask that is attached to Kailers face.

Xavier had some stitches in his right cheek, below the eye, he sprained his wrist and whiplash. It will certainly take some time to heal. They sat down on the sofa and quietly watched and waited for at least Xavier to wake up, it was a truly detrimental experience that no one should have to go through.

 As they waited, Mr. Tyson had left to fetch a few things for everyone and a few nurses came to check up on their vitals. Dr. Mendes also came back to check on them and gave the family a few papers they had to fill out. Tailer got up and left to make a few business calls once he came back he sat on Kai's bed and held his hand.

"I'm sorry either of you had to go through that terrible crash, Just know that you can fight it. I know you'll try." he then kissed his brother's forehead before going to sit on XM's bed. He ran his fingers through X's soft long hair.

"I love you both, we all do. I'm so glad Kailer met you, X, you're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Right next to kaikai over there" he slightly chuckled before kissing him on the forehead also. 

"Mama?" Tai asked. she raised her head from the paper showing him of her attention

"Wanna get some food? while we wait," she nodded and quickly kissed the boys the cheek then caught up to Tailer. As they reached the door they heard some shifting of some covers and they immediately turned around just to Xavier awake staring at them in confusion and horror.

"Hey X,"

Welp, That was it. 

Sorry, I haven't been posting, I've been busy with summer school and weekends I'm just really lazy and just don't feel like doing anything.

Hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave some comments down below, the Q and A is on a pause but also make sure to leave some comments on that chapter part.

Have a great day, Make sure to stream "Come to Brazil" by Why Don't We


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