Dinner with the Tysons

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Kai's POV

Today's the day. XM agreed to come with us to dinner and I'm really excited. I hope I didn't feel like I was forcing him though. I just really hope he feels comfortable in this house since he is going to be staying with us from now on. It was 4:57 pm and XM was downstairs eating some food that my mother made in the morning. I was on my bed watching an old movie on Netflix, Chronicles of  Spiderwick to be exact (I love that movie). 

It had just gotten to the part where Simon got caught in the net by one of the creatures when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I immediately thought that it was X because we were the only two in the house right now. My Parents are at work and Tai is coming back later this evening he's doing some business things with his boyfriend. I heard a quiet knock and said 'come in' he quietly looked to the floor as he came into my room. I turned my head to him so then I could talk to him and see him sign.

"Hey, X. you know that you don't have to knock right?" he looked up for a quick second, his eyes meeting mine before looking back down to the ground again.

I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you that someone called your phone and so I just wanted to bring it to you he pulled out my phone from the sweater pocket that I lent him. He looks so adorable in it, Imma just let him keep it. 

"There is no need to be sorry but thank you" I smiled. I reached out to grab the phone but as he got closer I snatched the phone and threw it on the bed and gave Mateo the most lovable hug I could give anyone. He was startled and tense at first but then he slowly began to soften and relax. I smiled knowing he was starting to trust me. we stayed like this for a while and I loved it. It seemed like that Mateo never wanted to let go and neither did I. It was just perfect, he's perfect. I love Xavier Mateo.

~2-ish hours later~

Xavier's POV

I think I am really getting used to Kailer already, he's so sweet and caring. I really admire that about him. He is probably the reason why my guard isn't constantly up and I feel like I'm safe with him no matter what. I'm in the bathroom getting ready for dinner this evening. Kailer said that we are going out so we have to dress nice. He gave one of his old blue plaid button ups because their small on him and they'd me perfectly. 

I comb out my hair and make sure it's decent before heading back to his room to get my shoes. My shoes aren't that bad, at least there aren't any holes in them. Once I'm done we wait for Kailer who was making sure that his older brother was coming as he said.

"Sorry guys just needed to make sure everything wasn't going to go wrong" He smiled with teeth as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He looked absolutely gorgeous. his hair has never been so curly and his suit makes his eyes pop out so much. I'm in awe.

"Shall we get going then?" his father remarked. He led Kailer's mother out of the house as Kailer and I followed. We entered the very expensive car and my breath was taken away. I've felt such comfortable seats or anything for this matter. It looks and feels so nice, Kailer must have seen my facial expression because he started to chuckle and then started talking about the car.

"This is a Jaguar XJ X351, it has which is a full-size luxury sedan launched by the British car giant. It's really expensive, it cost around 50,000 dollars." My eyes widened and Kailer started to laugh again at my facial expression. It was so loud that even his father and mother turned around and started to laugh. My face turned beet red after that. I hid my face in my palms in hopes that I wasn't too embarrassing. Kailer came closer to me and took my hands off of my face.

"Stop hiding, you're too cute and adorable to hide your face like that" he whispered. I blushed intensely. That sent shivers down my spine. A small smile crept up on my face as I nodded and kept my hands down. The whole ride to the restaurant Kailer would not stop looking at me it didn't make me feel uncomfortable if that what you were thinking, I actually quite liked it. It feels as if a guardian has come to watch over me. Kailer Tyson is my guardian angel. 

~A few minutes later~ 

We arrived at the place and it's huge. there are glass walls, glass floors, (some floors) a lot of shiny things. We get our table and sit.

"As we are getting our appetizers, Tailer should be here any moment" Kailer announces. As we wait his mother starts to ask some questions like how are you? how did you meet Kailer? How do you like this so far?  I answered most of them but before she could sputter out any more, a tall man that looked very close to Kailer but had fewer freckles on his face, his eyes were a dark blue color, and his hair was styled differently. I could immediately tell that they're brothers. I looked as he greeted his family member with a handshake and a hug. He then turned to me with the most welcoming and friendly smile as he shook my hand and then went for a hug.

"So this was the boy that Kaikai was talking about," he said. His deep raspy (somewhat) voice was so noticeable through the chattering in the room, he didn't even have to speak up for anyone to hear him. Kailer smiled and blushed.

"You look so adorable," Tailer said.

Thank you I signed

"You're welcome Mateo, Shall we eat?"

To be Continued...

I really hope you liked this chapter, it took me too long to come up with this. 

If you have any suggestions feel free to write them down in the comments below

Have a great day,


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