Big Brother

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I created that.^^

Can you tell I'm proud??


It has been days since I heard the news and I was more than excited about it. I'll finally be safe from that horrid place, and into a home where I know, there will be no danger. I was getting ready to finally meet my teacher that will be coming to the Tyson house to teach me all the subjects that I would normally learn in school.

"Xavier?" Kailer's mother calls out to me. I turn from the t.v to her so I have her full attention. 

Yes? I asked.

"Your teacher is a few minutes away, I suggest that you go to the 'classroom' and get ready," she said softly smiling. I nodded and got up from the couch turning off the t.v and went upstairs. If you're wondering where Kailer is, he went out to get some groceries for the house, it's Saturday and all we are doing is letting the teacher get to know me. Nothing big. I wait patiently, looking through the window to see if he or she would appear and to my surprise, I see Kailer's older brother Tailer walking up the driveway.

 Is he going to be my teacher? I sat down immediately when I saw him look up to the window I was at. I don't know why but he seems so intimidating to me. I don't want to upset him. I took out a pencil from the pouch that was provided to me my Mrs. Tyson and waited a little longer.

Soon enough I hear quiet talking and footsteps creeping towards the room I am in, I look up and I see Tailer and Mrs. Tyson at the front door, I stand up and went to shake Tailer's hand but denied it and instead went for a hug.

"Mateo, there is no need to be formal. We've met before, this isn't the first time" he says with a slight chuckle. Finally letting go, releasing me from his tight grip

"I'll leave you guys, call me if any of you need anything okay?" we both nodded and she then leaves.

Tailer turned- or should I say Mr. Tailer turned towards me and then says to me

"Okay, shall we get started?" I just nod my head and go to my seat. He began to write something on the newly installed blackboard, I was so mesmerized by his hand-writing, it looked so neat and professional (He gets easily distracted) I didn't notice but Tailer had been staring at me for a while. Once I finally noticed my face turned blood red from blushing so hard. I then turn my head away from his gaze and look down in embarrassment.

"Wow, you're probably the first person to get amazed by hand-writing" he laughs softly. My embarrassment grew more once I realized what was actually happening I began to read what was on the board. There it read ~Fill in the blank~ and it had questions about my personality and things like that. I look at him in an unsure facial expression, he then presented me a piece of chalk wanting me to take it. This is a very weird game, I don't really know why he wants me to do this but I'll do it anyway. 

I proceeded to finish the questions but one question really got me confused and anxious, ~Are you in a relationship?~ it says I looked at him confused at what the question meant. Why would a grown man who is in a committed relationship ask a 17-year-old such a question. He seems to understand how weird and somewhat pedophilic the inquiry was and responded quickly

"Oh, I'm sorry It didn't really notice how misplaced the question sounded, I was just wondering if there was something going between Kai and you? You guys would be a very adorable couple" he cooed. Blood once again rushed to my cheeks and I hide my smile away from his view once the image of Kailer popped up in my head. 

I'm not sure, he is very protective over me and I like when he kisses my cheeks I smile looking up at him once more. He looked excited at what I heard. 

"I hope he keeps you safe, you're so precious" He then goes in for a hug again and he doesn't seem to want to let go for a while which ends happening and I let him, he's very warm anyway but not like Kailer. 

I miss him already...



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