Chapter 1

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Edd woke up with a groan, heaving himself out of the beaten and burned matress he slept on. He slowly shuffled out of the so-called bed, rubbing his eyes and placing his hands on his stomach. He looked down at it and frowned, hearing it growl with hunger. He could swear he eats his regular amount of food and is just getting on the chubby side, but he can't stop thinking that something is horribly wrong.

Edd walked out in the empty, dark streets, looking around. A torn, poster that had the word 'WANTED' printed on the top with large, red letters flew down to his feet. He stopped, kneeling down and picking it up. It was an old picture of himself, smiling and looking happier than ever. He sighed, crumpling the paper up, and throwing it on the ground.

It's been months since he and Tord last saw each other. Months since they fell in love and got comfortable. Too comfortable. He growled at himself, wrapping his arms around himself as he hugged his flat chest.

Yes, he was sexually and physically a woman, but he wanted to change his body ever since he was around 10 years or older. He never had the money to change anything, so all he used was a binder to flatten his chest.

When Tord had returned from being gone for so long, all he could remember was the joy that flew through him. He remembered hugging Tord and Tord hugging him back, just as tight.

Then, he remembered what he and Tord did a few weeks later. What he showed to Tord.

He allowed Tord to see his body. His whole body. He allowed Tord to love him and touch him. He despised himself for doing that.

Edd didn't think things could get any worse. He continued his stroll, looking around the torn city. His hands were in his coat pockets, his expression dull and pale.

When Edd finally stopped at the abandoned market he usually steals stuff from, he felt his stomach tighten. He furrowed a brow as he glanced down at it, thinking it was just a stomach cramp. He lowered his hand to the center of his stomach, feeling a small kick.

His eyes went wide, his pupils growing small with fear. He shook his head, saying to himself that it was all a dream.

He realized it was real when he felt another kick. He growled softly to himself, clenching his teeth.

This couldn't be fucking happening.

Edd started to panic.

He can't be pregnant. No, it was too early. It's too stupid.

He quickly turned and began to run back to his small area. His mind raced with terrified thoughts, trying to talk himself out of it. He wasn't pregnant, he can't be.

There's no way. No way at all. He and Tord didn't take it that far.

God, don't let this nightmare come true.

Word count: 485

This is my first 'mpreg' story, sorry if it's bad.

Wanted (TordEdd) ||MPREG|| [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now