Chapter 3

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After hours of being locked in a cell, Edd finally woke up. His vision was blurry and his face was swollen. He reached behind the back of his head to feel the hard knot, his fingers coming back sticky with blood. He gritted his teeth in a silent wince, slowly standing up on his feet. He looked around the small, cramped room that was cold. The walls were thick and hard, made out of grey and ugly concrete. 

Edd walked to the bars that kept him secured in the cell. He wrapped his hands around two, gazing around the empty room outside of his enclosure. He already hated being stuck here. He remembered his captors and what they looked like. Just barely.

One was tall with bangs brushed to the side, a small widow's peak showing from the center. The other was small and more chubby, his hair messy and a cigarette smothered between his lips. He had bandages over his left eye, a small part of a scar showing from beneath them. The two also wore the same uniforms. A red, turtleneck sweater, blackish-brown pants, and a blue vest with golden buttons. They both had name-tags, but they were too far away for Edd to see. He did realize, however, that the shorter man's name-tag was upside.

Edd heard the door to the cellar room open, a loud creak echoing about the large room. Steps landed against the floor, slowly drawing closer. It was the two men from before and they stood right in front of his prison.

"Red Leader would like to see you," the taller one, named Patryck by his name-tag, said. He was standing straight, his hands holding a rifle as he gazed at Edd with a blank expression.

The other one, however, was more quiet and on the slouched side. He held a small pistol, smoke flowing out from his nostrils. He was half blind and his name-tag read Paul.

The cell door opened and Patryck walked in, placing his rifle in the strap behind his back. He walked over to Edd and grabbed the smaller man's arm. "We will not tolerate any struggling. If you fight with us or pick an argument with Red Leader, we will hurt you. Do you understand?"

Edd was silent. Patryck's grip around his arm tightened painfully, the man's nails digging through his hoodie. "I will not repeat myself again," he growled, pulling Edd closer. "Do you understand?"

Edd replied with a weak "yes," and was dragged away and out of the cell.

Patryck and Paul pulled him out of the cellars and into a hallway. 

Soldiers were lined at every corner. They were tall and looked very strict. Each soldier had an AK-47 held in their hands. They all were still and their posture was straight. As Paul and Patryck walked by, each one gave a small dip of his or her head in a respecting manner. A couple soldiers gave Edd a pissed or curious look, but they knew to keep their mouths shut.

The two soldiers that dragged Edd by his arms stopped at a door. A golden bar plated to the top of the door was carved with the words 'RED LEADER.' Edd frowned with fear and disgust. He knew exactly who Red Leader was, ever since Patryck mentioned him.

Paul pressed a small buzzer on the outside of the door. 

The familiar voice Edd knew answered the call.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Paul and Patryck, sir. We brought your prisoner," Paul replied, his face suddenly going serious and his posture standing tall.

"Bring him in," Tord said after a few seconds of silence. "Set him in the chair in front of my desk and tie him up. I don't want him trying to run away."

"Yes, sir," Patryck said, opening the door and helping Paul pull Edd inside the room.

They did as told. The two soldiers forced Edd into a chair, tied him with a thick and irritating rope, and left the room. 

He and Tord were the only ones in the office.

Tord, with his legs crossed on his desk, looked up. His silver eye flashed with a sinister evil, a sly smile stretching across his face. His left eye had an eye-patch covering the wound, pink and red scars covering the side of his face. Bandages were wrapped around his neck, barely visible from the red turtle-neck he wore under his vest. He uncrossed his legs and sat straight in his chair. He folded his hands on the desk and dipped his head at Edd. "Wonderful to meet you again, old friend," he sneered.

Edd growled quietly at him, lifting his head to stare him straight in the eye. "I am not your friend, you lying sonofa-"

Tord stood up and walked over to Edd, resting a cold finger under Edd's chin. He lifted the smaller man's head up slightly, looking into the brown eyes he once fell for. "My, my, old friend. It has been a long time, hasn't it?"

Edd stayed quiet, the sound of Tord's accent filling his mind. 

"Not much of a talker anymore, hmm?" Tord questioned, walking behind Edd and laying his hands on his shoulders. "What happened to you, my friend? The back of your head is coated with blood."

"Oh, I don't know," Edd snapped sarcastically. "Maybe you should ask your damn soldiers Paul and Patryck."

Tord smirked, leaning close to the side of Edd's face, his scarred cheek an inch away from Edd's. "Oh, my pilots? What could they have done to harm you?" he asked with a hint of innocence in his voice.

Edd huffed, struggling against the ropes that held him down. He whipped his head to the side, glaring at Tord with hatred. "Smash my head into the fucking wall, is what they did," he snarled. "They knocked me out for hours and I woke up in this hellhole."

"Whoa, whoa, old friend," Tord hummed, slowly rubbing his hands against Edd's shoulders. "Watch the language there. We don't want to get too worked up."

Edd furrowed a brow, staring him down. "What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

Tord smirked, wrapping an arm around Edd's neck. With a tug, he pulled the chair on two legs and had the back of it resting on his torso. "What I mean is that if you decide to continue acting like this, I have no other choice then to do horrible things to you. Now, I know you don't want that, and I don't either. But, as the Red Leader, I must prove to my soldiers that I can be very passive aggressive."

Edd bit his bottom lip, his breath hitching slightly from the sudden attack. He wasn't expecting any sort of move from Tord, which probably wasn't a good idea. He learned his lesson for today.

"What do you want from me, anyways?" he asked, his tone a bit softer and shakier.

"I want you to behave and respect my orders," Tord replied. "If you do as I say, I will let you live. But first, you must prove your loyalty to me and show me you'd put my life above everything else."

Edd glared up at him and shook his head. "Never. I will not work for someone like you. You're a lying, cheating bastard, and I hate you with all my heart."

"Aww, Eddy, what a beautiful thing to say," Tord sang, quickly letting go of Edd. 

The chair tipped back to the floor, rocked slightly, and fell forward. Edd grunted quietly, looking up at Tord with wide eyes. Tord knelt down beside him, his robotic, cold hand slowly caressing Edd's cheek. "Now, I won't ask you again. Prove to me your loyalty and I will let you live, and, maybe, set you free. Do you understand?" he asked, pinching Edd's lips together.

Edd slowly nodded. "Yes, sir," he replied quietly, his eyes clouded with terror.

Word count: 1,300.

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