Chapter 5

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Edd woke up later the next morning, sitting up in the recliner. He groaned quietly, rubbing his head and looking around. His stomach growled, calling for bacon and Cola. He knew there would be no chance of that for a while.

He was just so hungry.

He needed something. Anything.

In a desperate attempt to find food, he stood up and walked around the small cabin. He looked for the kitchen, found it, and walked in. The room was dusty and even colder than the living room. He searched the cupboards and cabinets for a chance of something that was edible and still up to date. He frowned, finding nothing. His stomach growled again, only this time, it was louder.

Edd's eyes flicked to the window, something black flashing by. He furrowed a brow, slowly going to the window and looking out of it. He saw nothing and wondered if it was his imagination. He closed the curtains, knowing he had to hide the fact that he now was going to live there. Until he got comfortable, that is. He knows he's not allowed to stay for as long as he wanted, but he had to move soon. He could find a destroyed home in the city or something that will give him shelter and get him closer to the markets. 

He turned and walked out of the kitchen, going to the other windows and closing them. As he did, a black figure stood still in the distance. He frowned, staring at the person with wide eyes. It was so still, almost as if it wasn't really there and it was just a shadow.

But it wasn't. Edd could see it breathe. Slow and steady, its breaths were.

He quickly closed the curtains, backing away. He began to shake with fear, wondering if someone had found him. His eyes flicked side to side quickly, whipping his head in all directions. He felt eyes all over him, laughter clouding in his head. He backed away, pulling at his hair and breathing quickly. He felt faint, his chest heaving for air. He stacked a breath straight on top of the other, his lungs closing and feeling clogged. He fell to his knees, gritting his teeth. His skin went white and he stared at nothing, shock going through him like a wave.

Finally, he collapsed to the ground. The impact knocked him out of his trance and he opened his eyes. He looked around, his vision blurry and objects spinning. He slowly stood up on his feet, rubbing his head and groaning quietly. He stumbled back into the living room, hearing a small thump.

He looked up, his vision clearing. He ran to one of the living room windows he hadn't have gotten to. Looking out, he spotted that same exact figure. It was closer and Edd was able to make out a little bit of what it looked like.

It was most definitely a male. He was tall, his hands behind his back and his head high. He wore what seemed to be a blue overcoat that was connected to a vest. A red turtleneck was worn underneath and his hair was in a shape that looked like horns.

Edd stepped back, quickly knowing who this mysterious man was.


He closed the curtains and ran to the front door, locking it. He barricaded it with a small, wooden chair from the kitchen, putting it under the knob. He turned and ran to the back door, doing the same exact thing. He went into a cramped bedroom, running over to the bed and crawling under it, breathing heavily.

His eyes were wide, full of fear. How did Tord find him? 

What am I going to do? he asked himself. This can't be happening. It can't be!

He paced back and forth, panic rising in his body like a forest fire spreading uphill. He gripped fistfuls of his hair again, staring at the door. Tears welled in the corner of his eyes, and he couldn't breathe right.

Loud bangs landed on the door. Edd knew he was furious. And Edd was terrified. He had no idea what to do but stare at the door and hope Tord would just leave him alone.

"Go away!" he cried, closing his eyes tightly as he felt warm tears trickle down his cheeks. "Leave me alone!"

Tord continued banging on the door, most likely kicking it with his foot. He could hear Tord's soft grunts as he kept going and going. "Never!" he hissed. "You're mine!"

Edd turned and ran to the back door, unlocking it and running out. He jumped down a few steps that led to the deck and ran deeper into the woods. He could hear Tord running after him. 

Soon, Tord was right behind him. He could hear the man's heavy breathing and loud footsteps as he opened his arms, preparing himself to jump onto Edd.

Tord leaped and tackled Edd to the ground, pinning him there. Edd yelped out, his eyes wide and full of fear. He turned on his back, trying to scuttle away. He placed his hands on Tord's chest, trying to push him off.

He suddenly felt soft lips pressing themselves against his. Edd's squeak of surprise was muffled, his eyes going wide. He stopped his struggles and movements immediately, his hands slowly falling away from Tord's chest.

The Norwegian slowly pulled away, gazing down at Edd. His silver eye was gentle and sparkling with love. "Edd..." he whispered.

Edd turned his head away. "No! Stop it! Get off me, now," he demanded, kicking his legs out slightly. 

Tord sighed quietly, slowly getting off of Edd and standing up. He held out his hand to help Edd stand, but Edd refused it and stood up on his own, brushing his hoodie. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, staring at Tord with watery eyes. 

"What the hell?" he questioned, jabbing a finger to Tord's chest, making him step back. "Where do you think that would have gotten you?"

Tord looked away, his body slightly slouching with sadness. He felt rejected and hurt, his good eye watering. "I-I... I thought-"

Edd rose a hand, cutting him off. "I don't want to hear your excuses. First, you betray me, capture me, hurt me, and now chase me and kiss me? What the fuck?"

"I know, I know," Tord muttered, taking another step back. "Can I just... explain?"

Edd huffed and crossed his arms, bucking a hip to the side and looking at Tord with a bored expression. "Fine. Go ahead," he replied with a wave of his hand.

Tord gently grabbed it, looking at him with a begging eye. "I need to talk to you in private..."

Edd tilted his head, raising a brow. "Why? Is someone watching us or something?"

Tord frowned and looked away. "I... I can't really tell you," he said with reluctance. "I just need to talk to you back at the cabin. I just want to get things straight and..." He trailed off, looking at Edd. He pulled the smaller man close, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "I want you to give me another chance. I know why you hate me, and believe me, I would, too. I just want to sort this out and be the generous father you want me to be."

Edd stared at him with wide eyes. "Y-you know about the..."

"The baby?" Tord hummed, finishing Edd's sentence. He nodded. "Yes, I do. I realized it when my pilots brought you in."

"Then why did you hurt me?" Edd questioned, his body tensing. "Why did you force me to give you my word? Why did you do all that?"

Tord sighed, keeping Edd close to him. "Because... If I didn't, someone else would instead."

Edd frowned, turning his head away to stare at nothing but the ground. His shoulders slumped forward and he nodded. "Alright. Let's talk."

Tord smiled, holding Edd's wrist gently and leading him back to the cabin.

Word count: 1,305

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