Chapter 4

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Edd woke up with a sudden gasp, lifting himself out of a bed. He stood up, looking around at where he was. 

He was in a small, but comfortable, room. With grey walls and a boring, red carpet, he realized that he must've gotten here by force. He didn't remember ever getting hit or anything to knock him out. He looked down at the messy bed, deciding to fix it and straighten it out.

He walked over to the door, reaching for the handle. He turned it and pulled, the door opening easily. He furrowed a brow, thinking it was too dumb to keep his door unlocked. He stepped out of the room and into a hallway.

He looked around, seeing the halls were empty and the lights were off. It was very quiet, maybe a bit too quiet. He walked forward, his steps echoing around him. He put his hands in his hoodie pockets, glancing around at the walls. They were grey and hard concrete, like everything else around here. He stopped, looking up at a poster that had a strange symbol printed on it. He shook his head and continued on his way, wandering the halls with curiosity.

Curiosity kills the cat.

A large, tall man stepped in front of Edd. "What are you doing, soldier? You shouldn't be out of your room at this hour," the voice boomed. It was nothing like Tord's, so Edd immediately knew it wasn't him. 

He looked down at himself, then back up at the man. "I-I'm not one of your soldiers. I'm a prisoner for your Red Leader. I woke up in a room and thought I'd come out and explore."

The man gave a heavy sigh and shook his head. He gripped Edd's arm and glared at him. "You still should not be out at this hour. Whoever put you in your room should've locked your door from the outside. Let's go. I'm taking you back before we both get in trouble with the Red Leader."

A cold hand lay on Edd's shoulder. "No need."


Edd looked up at the Norwegian, raising a brow. Tord continued speaking to the man. "Edd here is a loyal prisoner. He may roam wherever he pleases, just as long as it is not outside the base. I thought I had told you, Commander."

The commander shook his head. "No, sir. And besides, if you have, I probably wouldn't have been able to realize that this was Edd. If I had, I would have left him alone, sir."

Tord huffed quietly, glaring down at the man. The commander was an inch shorter then Tord, but had a strong body build. He looked very serious and someone whom shouldn't be messed with.

Tord, however, was different. His expression was inscrutable, his silver eye unreadable. He was built like a light heavyweight boxer- nothing but power and muscle and three percent of body fat. He jabbed a finger to the commander's chest, pushing him away. "Well, from now on, you will not ever touch this man or speak to him. Do you understand me, Jack?"

Jack nodded quickly, backing away and holding his hands up in surrender. He stepped into moonlight from a window and Edd was able to get a better look of him.

The commander had curly, black hair that was cut short. It ended at the back of his neck. His eyes were a dark brown, just like Edd's. His skin was a tan color and he wore the same uniform any other soldier would. He turned and quickly walked away, leaving Tord and Edd alone.

Edd gazed up at Tord, wondering why the man's hand was still on his shoulder. "Erm... Thanks for saving me, I guess?" he mumbled, ducking his head.

Tord suddenly pulled Edd into a tight hug, surprising the smaller man. "Wh-what are you doing?!" Edd cried, pushing Tord away. "Y-You aren't supposed to-"

Tord grabbed Edd's hand. "Edd, I need to talk to you, please," he said, his voice soft and less strict as it was with Jack.

Edd shook his head, trying to pull his hand away. He was nervous and afraid, not wanting Tord to hurt him. "No. No, you don't," he replied, his tone bumpy. "We don't need to talk. You just need to leave me alone!"

Edd turned away from Tord, pulling his arm out of the leader's grip. He ran down the hallway, his stamina quickly going down from the added weight from the baby that was in his stomach. He gritted his teeth, bursting out through the exit doors and going straight into the woods.

"EDD!" Tord called, running after him with a flashlight in his hand. "Edd, come back! Please! You can't be out here, it's dangerous!" He tried to use the light to catch any sign of movement, but he couldn't find anything. 

Tord growled and rushed back inside the base, slamming the doors shut behind him.

Edd burst out of the bush he had been hiding in from Tord. He turned and ran the opposite direction of the base. He had no idea where he was. It was too dark and he knew he was lost. He tried to search for any city lights. He sighed heavily, his chest heaving for air.

He knew he'd be in deep trouble if Tord found him.

Edd was tired and exhausted, knowing his legs and body needed a rest. He couldn't stop, he can't stop. If he did, they would find him.

He came across a small, broken-down cabin, the paint peeling off the outside walls. He slowly approached the abandoned used-to-be home, using the small railing to help himself up the creaky steps. He opened the door and walked in, closing it afterwards. He found a small lantern, picked it up, and turned it on. 

It was covered in dust, but it at least helped him being able to see. He went over to what looked to be like a recliner. It was covered with a dirty sheet. He pulled it off, uncovering the seat. Dust flew up in circles, making Edd's eyes water and his throat clog. He coughed, waving his free hand to try and rid the thick dust particles around him. He sat down in the chair and looked down at himself, placing his hands on the center of his belly.

He was getting bigger, his stomach slightly larger than last time. 

Tord should have noticed by now, he thought to himself. But, of course, he probably didn't. It'd be better if I raised the baby by myself. I don't want it having a neglecting father like him.

Edd groaned softly to himself, his stomach cramping badly. He breathed quickly, trying to calm himself. 

You're getting too worked up, he scolded himself. You seriously need to stop worrying about Tord. He's nobody to you now. He will not be part of your family.

Edd frowned at his own thoughts, knowing he was wrong. He still couldn't help himself being in love with Tord. He hated himself for running away. He rubbed the temples on the side of his head, shaking from the cold air in the cabin.

He stood up and walked into the bedroom, finding an old blanket folded in a closet. He walked out and sat down on the recliner again, lifting the leg to make the chair go back. He threw the blanket over his body, curled up on his side, and closed his eyes.

He knew this was going to be a restless sleep.

Word Count: 1,263

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