Chapter 9

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Two months later and Edd had still never seen Tord. He was still locked in a cell- cold, hungry, and alone. He knew the baby was close. Perhaps, too close. Edd slowly stood up and paced around his cell, his hands behind his back. He was tired, having had worked a back-breaking job every single day. Tord's leader was not at all kind to him. He felt like a dog being kicked around. 

He sighed softly, looking up with tired eyes as he heard the prison room door open. The familiar steps approached his cell and the Ruler stood in front of him, his head high and his posture straight.

"My, my, Edd," he sneered, looking at Edd up and down. "Look how you've grown. Are you tired, yet?"

Edd growled softly, glaring at the Ruler with hatred flaming in his eyes. "Yeah, no thanks to you," he snapped.

The Ruler chuckled, unlocking Edd's cell. "Well," he huffed, stepping in and standing in front of him. "You've been working hard, hmm? I had an idea, Edd. Work for me and forget about Tord. Be with me, Edd!"

Edd stepped back, looking at him with disgust. "Hell no! Get away from me!"

The Ruler grabbed Edd's shoulders, his eyes flicking with insanity. "Come on, Eddy... I can raise the young fellow with you, no matter what gender it is... I can be the father it needs! I'll raise it to be strong and merciless."

Edd wriggled against his grip. "I don't want that! I want my child to be themselves!"

The Ruler grinned, cupping Edd's cheek and raising his head. "I can be a better father then Tord could ever be... He won't have any time for you. He'll forget you."

Edd lashed out, slapping the Ruler straight across the cheek. He stumbled away, holding his cheek and laughing. "Haha... Oh, Eddy... That was very satisfying, ya know..?"

"Get away from me, creep!" Edd screamed, punching the Ruler in the gut and kicking him down. He turned and dashed out of the cell, running out of the prison room. He breathed heavily, his hands resting on his stomach.

He heard the Ruler's laughter echoing through the halls. Edd knew he was close. He stopped abruptly and turned to a small closet, opening it and hiding. He panted quietly, but heavily, hearing footsteps.

"Oh, Eddy...!~ Come out, come out wherever you are...~"

Edd stared at the door with wide eyes, staying quiet and still. He looked down, seeing the shadow of the Ruler right outside the door. 

"I know you're somewhere around here, Edd..." he purred, chuckling. "You couldn't have gone far with that baby so close...!~"

Edd gasped out, his stomach cramping. He shuddered, looking down at himself. He saw something wet leak down his pants and he knew his water broke. He collapsed to his knees, gritting his teeth and breathing quickly.

The baby was here.

And the door was quick to open.

Word Count: 480.

Hey guys! I apologize for this chapter being short once again. I don't really have anything better to do after all that happened. But, I promise I'll get back on track with making the chapters a bit longer and more tense. 

I wanted to thank everyone that is giving this book so much attention! If I'm to be honest, I had never expected this book to get so much love within the time period I had it published. Thank you for the votes and comments! I really appreciate the kindness and your guys' opinions on this book. 

Thank you, all! 

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