Chapter 10

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Tord threw himself out of his office chair, hearing Edd's screams of pain. He frowned and rushed out of his office and to the sounds, finding his father blocking Edd's escape. He ran over to him. "What's going on?" He asked, trying to peek over his father's shoulder. 

The Ruler chuckled, turning around and quickly grabbing Tord's wrist. "It seems to be your little prisoner is finally in labor..." He hissed, digging his nails in Tord's arm.

Tord winced silently, glancing at Edd with a wide eye. The pain his lover was in hurt him worse then what his father could do.

Edd's gasping screams filled his mind as he watched the smaller man curl up on the ground. He stared at his lover with tear-filled eyes, seeing the agony written all over his sweet, innocent face. He pulled away from his father's grip and ran over to Edd, picking him up in his arms. He glared at the Ruler and ran off to the medical station, mumbling soft words to Edd.

Edd continued to cry out in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gripped Tord's shoulders tightly. Tord noticed that Edd's breathing was very quick and hitched. He knew that wasn't a good thing, having had witnessed birth with other women when they were found in the city and were taken in. 

He growled quietly, remembering all the times his father had hit them and starved them on purpose. He quickly dodged the medical station and ran out the doors, going down the path that led to the city. 

Edd looked up at Tord, his legs slightly opening from the pressure that built up below his waist. "F-fuck, Tord," he choked out. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"What's right," Tord replied, holding the smaller man close. "I'm getting you away from this Hellhole. I'm not losing you."

Edd sniffled, laying his face in Tord's chest. "P-Please hurry," he begged. "It hurts so much..."

Tord nodded, pumping his legs faster and almost barely touching the ground anymore. "I know, baby. I know..."


Soon enough, they reached the city. Edd was screaming in pain, the baby closing in. All he felt was torment flowing through his legs, and it made him want to rip himself out of Tord's arms and just give birth now.

Tord ran into an abandoned building and climbed up two flights of stairs, stopping at the top room, which was the attic. He carefully set Edd down on an old mattress, taking off his pants and boxers. He put them to the side, covering Edd's legs with a blanket. He looked at Edd and nodded. "Breathe and push," he said gently.

Edd obeyed, breathing quickly and pushing as hard as he could. It didn't take long until he felt relief flood over him, Tord grunting quietly as he caught the new baby. He stepped back, glancing at Edd with a soft eye. "Edd..." He trailed off, seeing the tiredness in Edd's eyes. He smiled softly and turned, taking the baby to get it cleaned and find out its gender.

His new daughter...

Word count: 515

Hehe, hey guys! 
Yeah, I know- Small chapter, AGAIN- I'm sorry- Hehe- 

I'm having a bit of difficulty writing new chapters that are long- I think this is a good place to stop at the moment. I promise, though, I will make them a lot longer sooner or later- 

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