Chapter 7

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Tord woke up with a groan, opening his eyes and looking around. He stopped his gazing, seeing the small brunette curled against him. He smiled at the sight and hugged Edd close. The smaller male let out a groan of slight annoyance, not wanting to be disturbed.

Tord smirked softly, gently scratching under Edd's chin, causing him to huff and open his eyes.

"Good morning, Eddy," Tord purred a greeting, smiling proudly.

"Morning, sunshine lollipops," Edd retorted, smirking.

Tord blinked at Edd, staring at him for a quick second. "And you'll wonder why I'll outlaw Cola," he said jokingly. 

Edd squeaked, clutching Tord's vest. "No, noooo!" he whined. "Don't do that, you monster. I'm already going through enough, carrying your baby."

"Our baby," Tord corrected him, cupping the green-hooded man's cheek. "It'll be our responsibility, all through its life. I'll be with you every step of the way, and that's a promise to you. I'll never break it."

Edd smiled, his brown eyes flashing with happiness. "Thank you," he hummed, his tight grip on Tord's vest going soft. 

Tord smirked, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss on Edd's lips. The smaller male immediately kissed back, closing his eyes and pressing himself closer to Tord.

Tord quickly pulled away, hearing a knock at the door. Edd went wide eyed, hugging himself close to Tord's body. The Norwegian slowly pushed him off, standing up. He walked to the door, opening it a crack. "Eh?"

Tord was yanked outside, the door slamming shut behind him. Edd's eyes were full of fear as he heard muffled shouting. The infuriated argument finally cooled down and it was silent. Edd slowly got up and went to the door, opening it, and looking out.

No one was there.

He was left alone. No sign of Tord anywhere.

Edd began to panic, stepping out of the small cabin and cupping his hands at the side of his mouth. "Tord!" he called out. "Tord, where are you?"

There was no reply.

Just dead silence.

Edd hated the sudden quietness, stepping back into the cabin and pacing back and forth. What the fuck happened to Tord? Where did he go?

The small brunette began to hyperventilate. His hands went up to his hair and he pulled on it, gritting his teeth.

He stopped his actions as soon as he heard the door creak open. He turned around, gasping at the strange man standing in the doorway. The stranger rushed up to him and knocked him out cold.

Word count: 407

I'm so sorry this chapter is short- I'll get back on track with these chapters being between 1,000-2,000 words. 

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