Chapter 6

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Tord led Edd back into the cabin. He closed the door behind them and locked it. He guided Edd to the couch, looking at the floor with a frown. He knew Edd wouldn't believe him and would never want to see him again after he explained, but it was worth a try.

Edd sat down, crossing one leg over the other. He looked up at Tord, a thin line sitting between his lips. His face looked serious and his eyes were clouded. "Alright," he said after a minute of silence. "Spit it out." He crossed his arms, raising a brow to show his bemusement.

Tord sighed and sat down next to Edd. He gently held one of Edd's hands, bringing it up to his face. He gently kissed it, glancing up at Edd with his silver eye sparkling. Edd rose a brow, slightly confused at the action.

"Pardon me," Tord mumbled, pulling his lips away from Edd's hand. "I... I didn't know what I was thinking."

Edd smiled softly, a small chuckle escaping him. "It's not as if we've never met before," he said with a wave of his hand, his brown eyes shimmering in the light.

Tord looked at them, finding them adorable and beautiful. He gently held both of Edd's hands and looked at him with the softest smile he could give. "Edd... I know you're probably not going to believe me, and you'll hate me forever, but... Just know that everything I say is true. Can you do that for me?"

Edd nodded. "Of course," he said with a calm tone. "I'll believe you."

Tord smiled, wrapping his arms around Edd and pulling him close. "Thank you, Edd," he whispered into the smaller man's ear.

Edd chuckled and slowly pulled away from the hug. "No problem. Now, talk. I want to hear what you have to say before it gets late and we both get in trouble."

Tord nodded. "Right. Okay," he folded his hands together and drew in a deep breath. "When I was younger, around the age of nine or ten, I was training at the Red Base during my summer vacations. My father, whom we will not speak his name, trained me everything I know now. He trained me on-"

Edd cut in, holding up a finger. "Wait a second," he said quickly, looking at Tord with his round, innocent eyes. "Why can't you say your father's name?" 

Tord gently cupped Edd's cheek, caressing it and sighing. "It's really a lot to explain," he mumbled, turning his head away. "But, I can't tell you as much as I want to... My father is a very serious, strict, and tense man. If anyone gives any information about him away, he will find them and kill them, even if the information doesn't get out. He wants people to fear him and respect him and his order. He wants to gain control of everyone and everything. He wants me to become exactly like him, but I, honestly, don't want to. My father hates slackers. He has cameras hooked up around the base, and no other soldier knows except me and my best pilots. They are secretly hidden in corners, in the walls, in some specific places of each bedroom. He does nothing but sit in his hidden office all day and watch."

Edd furrowed his brow, giving an uncomfortable grin. "That's creepy," he replied, not knowing what else to say.

Tord nodded. "And if you think that's bad, just wait. He also is very sexist to women. He rarely has a woman stationed as a soldier or guard, because he believes they can do nothing. He thinks they're nothing but sex toys and it fucking makes me sick. If we lose a soldier, he'll force a woman to date a man, someone she possibly doesn't even like, and make them have a kid. Afterwards, he'll kill the mother. He can give two shits about how much a child needs a mother in their lives. He either trains them, depending on if he likes their form or not, or he'll have the father train them. And, if they do not become the soldier he wanted, he'll kill both the kid and father, just to destroy the bloodline."

Edd curled his lip in disgust, slightly leaning back against the couch. "I'm sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with him? How could such a person live being like that? Why doesn't anyone try to, I don't know, kill him?"

Tord shrugged. "If I'm to be honest, I don't know. I think it's because no one wants to fuck with him or they'd be shredded to pieces. As I had said before, he is a very powerful, strict man. He doesn't take things too kindly if something messes him up or anything like that."

Edd nodded slowly. "Have... Have you ever thought about killing him?"

"At times," Tord replied. "But, I know not to go there. I mean, there was a time when I did try to suffocate him with his pillow back when I was nine-teen."

"Seriously?" Edd questioned with disbelief. "And what did he do?"

Tord whimpered quietly, memories of what his father had done to him flashing back. "He basically beat me so badly, I couldn't move a muscle for days. I was so bruised and cut, and I know there were some bones that had been broken. My chest had been sore for days, but I soon got over it and listened to exactly what he said. I knew, at the time, that if I didn't get his trust back, he'd kill me right when I turned twenty."

Edd huffed, looking at Tord with wide eyes. "I can't believe it," he whispered, shaking his head slightly. "That's so mean. How did you get through it all?"

Tord smiled softly, tears welling in his good eye. "Well, before my mother died, she had told me a quote I had never forgotten. 'Never give up and always believe in yourself. No matter what, I will always be there to help you back on your feet. No one will knock you down when I'm around."

"Wow," Edd said gently, shuffling closer to Tord. "I'm sorry to ask, but... How did your mother die? Of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I understand."

Tord shook his head. "No, it's alright," he replied, wrapping his good arm around Edd and rubbing small circles on the smaller male's back. "She died when I was around the age of seven. I had watched my father beat her because she had, in his words, 'disappointed him.' I wanted to rip his throat out every time I saw him blow a punch or kick to my mother. She was so innocent and beautiful. She didn't deserve to be with his wrath. He could never hold a grudge for anyone, especially for people who made him angry or didn't do the things he wanted done."

Edd frowned. "What a terrible man. If I've had to live with him as long as you had to, I would have just murdered him by now."

Tord tightly hugged Edd close, nuzzling his neck carefully. "No, søtsaker," he mumbled gently. "You don't understand. He'll sense you from a mile away if you have a knife in your hands. He'll sabotage you in seconds and have your throat slit. If you grew up like me, you would understand and never fuck around with him."

Edd wrapped his arms around Tord, scooting closer to him. "I just don't understand how you could live with such a monster..."

Tord sighed, keeping Edd close to him. He could tell the smaller man was getting tired, and he was, too. "I don't know either, min kjærlighet," he whispered, cuddling Edd close. He reached over and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around their bodies and holding it secure. He looked down at Edd, seeing he had closed his eyes and had fallen to sleep.

Tord looked out a window, seeing that daylight had faded away. It was so quick, too. Almost as if the day went by in seconds...

Tord smiled, hugging Edd and resting his chin on the smaller man's head. With a small purr, he closed his eye and slipped into a light sleep, feeling Edd curl closer against him and sitting in his lap.

Word Count: 1,370.

Norwegian meanings: 
Min kjærlighet- My love 
Søtsaker- Sweets

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