Chapter 12

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Tord woke up to a bloodcurdling scream. He bolted out of the bed, seeing his small brunette lover wasn't there. With a wide eye, he rushed to the sound.

He found Edd standing in the doorway of their daughter's bedroom, his hands covering his mouth and his eyes drained with fear. His skin was white and he was trembling.

"Edd, baby, what happened?" Tord asked quickly, peeking over Edd's shoulder and carefully squeezing past him.

He saw that his daughter's crib was empty. He gasped, his eye slowly gazing at the open window, the curtain blowing forward from the gentle wind that got in. He quickly ran over to it, his eye flicking side to side and going thin with rage.

He screamed out in frustration, baring his teeth. He turned his head to look at his shaking lover, seeing tears streaming down his face. He ran over to him and took him into his arms, watching as the smaller man slowly fell to his knees. With his robotic hand against the brunette's back and rubbing it in small circles, he slowly went with his lover, whispering gentle phrases in his ear.

"Don't you worry, Eddy. I'll find whoever took our daughter and kill them. I'll bring her back, I promise," Tord mumbled to him, holding back his own tears. He couldn't bare seeing his lover like this, especially knowing that his daughter was stolen. That tore him even more.

Edd looked up at Tord, sobs and hitched gasps escaping. "Please, Tordy," he begged, tears falling down his cheeks and staining his hoodie. "Please bring our baby girl back. Please, please!"

Tord nodded, gently pecking Edd's head. "I will, Edd. I promise you."

He stood up, picking Edd up and setting him on the bed. "I'm going to need you to stay here, okay? I don't want to risk getting you hurt. I'll be back, Eddy. I promise."

Edd gave a shaky smile and dipped his head. "I'll stay here," he whispered.

Tord gently ruffled his hair. "Good," he said, standing straight and staring at the window. "I think I know who took her." He growled and dashed out, jumping out the open window and running towards the Red Base.

He followed the hidden path he remembered making when he followed Edd the first time he escaped to the cabin. He soon saw the Red Base, standing tall. Flags rippled in the wind, the Red Leader symbol a bright yellow on each one. He growled and narrowed his eye, storming through the doors. 

"WHERE IS HE?!" He yowled, busting the doors open and standing in the entrance, huffing with anger.

Soldiers young and old turned their heads at his direction, some going wide-eyed with surprise of the sudden return of their leader. They stayed where they were, too afraid to move.

"Where. Is. He?" Tord asked again, his voice strong with demand.

The soldiers kept silent and Tord glared at each and every one he could meet eyes with. He snarled and raised the pistol he had in his holster at the side of his waist. "I won't ask you all again!" He growled, aiming at the pistol at each soldiers' heads. They yelped and ducked his aim, trembling. When Tord dropped his aim at them, they slightly relaxed. "Where is he?! What did he do with my daughter?"

Tord looked around, seeing no soldier was moving or speaking. He growled and lowered his gun, huffing with frustration. "Very well," he stated. "Have it your way."

He quickly rose his pistol again, pulling the trigger. He shot a young soldier in the face, blowing off half of his jaw. He collapsed to the ground, blood leaking around his head. 

Tord took a step forward and aimed his gun at another soldier, pulling the trigger. He shot the older one in the neck, causing him to choke and gag on his own blood. He dropped to his knees, his hands desperately reaching to his throat to try and stop the blood. He bled out and fell to the ground, limp and lifeless.

Tord looked at each of the soldiers, seeing they had frozen with fear, staring at their dead inmates. 

"Does anyone want to come out and tell me where my father is?" Tord asked, his eye flickering with enraged insanity. 

A young soldier slowly came out of the groups, some of the others around him gasping with shock. "I-I will," he stuttered.

Tord looked at him and gave an evil grin. "Great," he said, lowering his gun. "Tell me where he is, and I'll let you go."

The soldier nodded, glancing back and forth nervously. He twiddled with his fingers, ducking his head. "H-he is in the-"

Soldiers screamed out as they saw the young one fall to the ground, blood pooling around his body. He had been shot in the back of his head.

Tord looked up, seeing his father standing behind the young one. He was holding a screaming baby, and Tord immediately recognized it as his daughter.

"Looking for me?" His father sneered, raising a brow at his son. "Or your daughter?"

"Both," Tord replied, growling with anger. "Why did you take her?"

His father only shrugged. "Oh, I don't know," he purred sarcastically. "Maybe it's because of the rules in this base? No soldier is allowed to have a relationship of any sort. No soldier is to have a family of any sort, unless ordered to. Remember those?"

Tord snarled, lifting his upper lip. His silver eye flickered with rage as he raised his pistol at his father's head.

His father chuckled and quickly aimed his gun at the baby girl's head. "I wouldn't do it, son," he said. "You pull the trigger and I pull mine. You'll be ending two lives instead of the one you want."

Tord quickly lowered his gun, sighing. "Alright, father, what do you want from me? Just please, let my baby girl live."

His father smiled. "I want you back as leader of this base. I also want this girl's mom dead. Maybe I'll let her live."

"NO!" Tord yowled, slamming his gun to the ground. "I will not kill him! I love him, father. I love him so much. Don't you remember that feeling when you were with mom? Before you killed her?!"

Tord's father froze, his face filling with anger. "You will never mention that slut, ever again!" He screamed, aiming his gun at Tord. "You know very well why I had to kill her!"

"Yeah, because you thought of her as a distraction!" Tord yelled back, keeping his eye on his father. "You didn't want her around. You never did. You wanted her, just to have me. You know what that makes you, father? A sick, lonely, selfish bastard! That's what you are! Do you hear me? A sick. Lonely. Selfish bastard!"

His father stayed still, his finger slowly pulling away from the trigger. He ducked his head, shading his eyes with his hair. A dark shadow crossed them and an evil smile appeared on his face. He began chuckling very lowly, then erupted with insane, harrowing laughter. He raised his head, smiling wide as he continued his laughing.

Tord took the chance. He quickly raised his pistol and aimed at his father's kneecap. He pulled the trigger, the bullet digging into his father's leg.

His father gasped and collapsed to his knees, hissing in pain. He kept on laughing, tears pricking in his eyes. He carefully set the wailing baby girl down, lowering his head. Tord growled and aimed his pistol at the top of his father's head.

With the final pull and the last bullet, everything went by slowly. The bullet taking its time in the air as it spun towards his father's head. He lifted his head, going wide-eyed as soon as he saw the bullet flying towards him. With a gasp, the bullet went through his head, causing his body to be thrown back and roll to the ground.

Tord blinked and reality struck him. He looked down at his father, a puddle of his own blood circling his body. He quickly dropped the gun and rushed to get his daughter, picking her up before the blood soaked her blanket. 

He began to tear up, his silver eye dulling. He turned and walked out of the base, leaving every soldier frozen with shock.

"I'm sorry, father," he whispered, ducking his head. "But it was your life or my family."

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