Chapter 8

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Edd woke up with a gasp, his eyes shooting open. He tried to stand up, but something cold and metal-like held him back. He looked at his wrists, seeing they were chained behind his back. He followed the chain, seeing them locked on the wall. He struggled against them, grunting and kicking. He stopped, knowing his efforts were useless. He was tired, cold, and hungry. He didn't know how long he was knocked out for, nor did he know how long he was chained up in the cell-like prison he was in. 

With a groan, he leaned against the wall, his back pressing against it. He could tell how much the chains had dug into the skin around his wrists and arms by the redness and slight inflammation. He shuddered, looking around. It was just like the cell he was placed in after being captured by Tord's pilots. Now, he's caught again and is probably going to have to go through the same exact thing, only worse. 

He had forgotten what month it was, what his name was. When he was born and when his baby was due. His mind was so clouded and distracted, he couldn't concentrate on the important things of his life. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to remember what had happened and how he had gotten to where he was.

Images of the strange man standing in the doorway of his cabin appeared in his head. He tried to focus on the details, but could only remember how dark the man looked. All he could remember was seeing the insane smile planted on the stranger's face. He couldn't catch anything else about the man.

Suddenly, the door of the cell room opened. Edd opened his eyes and looked up, hearing small footsteps approach his cell. They grew louder until they stopped. A soldier was glaring down at him, a rifle in hand. He didn't look like either of Tord's pilots, so Edd assumed it was just a regular soldier among thousands. 

Keys jingled in the soldier's pocket as he grabbed them. He looked through the collection, found a certain key, and placed it in the lock. He opened the cell door and stepped inside, walking over to Edd. He grabbed the chains that were wrapped around Edd's wrists and ankles, untangling them and throwing them off to the side. He forced Edd up by his arms and roughly dragged him out of the cell.

Of course, Edd struggled against the man pulling him. He didn't want to go wherever the soldier was going to take him. He just wanted to hide and be somewhere safe. The soldier, however, ignored Edd's kicks and hits, continuing to drag him away and out of the prison room. 

Edd finally stopped his struggles, beginning to cool down and grow exhausted. He couldn't fight for long.

"You're in big trouble," the soldier sneered, glancing at Edd.

"Oh, really?" Edd questioned, raising a brow. "And why's that?"

"Because you're going to meet the leader of us all."

"And who's that? Tord, I assume?" Edd asked sarcastically.  

The soldier shook his head, a grin stretching from ear to ear. "Far worse than him," he replied. "This man is the ruler of Red Leader."

Edd began to panic, his eyes going wide. The soldier continued to pull him, other people watching him and Edd. They all smiled, knowing that Edd will never be seen again and will no longer be a distraction to their Red Leader.

The soldier who had Edd opened a door and pushed him inside. He said, "You will wait for him here," and closed the door, locking it from the outside.

Edd turned his head, staring at the door. He threw a fist to it, screaming. "Let me out!" he demanded. "What do you want from me?" 

There was only silence. Sickening and tense silence. Edd hated it all. He hated being trapped in the room. He hated being where he was. He slumped against the nearest wall, falling to the ground and hugging his knees. He buried his face into them, sobbing out miserably. If he had to be honest, all he wanted was Tord and to be somewhere safe. He just wanted everything to be normal again. He wanted his friends, he wanted his lover. He gazed down at his belly, seeing he had grown since the last time he remembered. How many months was he in for? How long will it be until he has the baby?

The door burst open, making Edd gasp and quickly look over. The same man he remembered seeing before he was knocked out was standing in the doorway. The same, evil grin planted on his face. He slowly walked towards Edd, standing in front of him and glaring down at the small brunette. "Hello there," he sneered, kneeling down and grabbing the hem of Edd's hoodie. "What might your name be?"

Edd stayed quiet, his memory flooding back to him. He wasn't going to tell a stranger his name. "I'm not telling you," he responded. "No way in hell am I going to tell you my name."

The stranger smirked, forcing Edd onto his feet. He pushed the smaller man's back against the wall, pinning him there. He cupped Edd's chin, smirking at him. "Well. If you don't tell me what I want to know, I may as well just kill you now."

Edd quickly gave in as soon as he saw the man's free hand go to the holster at the side of his waist. "A-Alright! My name is Edd," he said. "D-Don't shoot me, please."

The man smiled. "Do you know who I am, Edd?" he questioned.

Edd shook his head. "N-No," he stuttered. "I don't know who you are. I've just seen you before you knocked me out."

The stranger hummed, squishing Edd's lips together and pursing them. "Well. You may have heard my name being tossed around here and there, maybe even by the soldier who brought you here?"

Edd rose a brow, turning his head away from the man's grip. "No. The only names I've heard from that soldier were Red Leader and the ruler of him."

Suddenly, Edd felt cold, strong hands wrap around his throat. "Well... That ruler of Red Leader would be me," the man growled into Edd's ear, a dark grin stretching across his face. 

Edd whimpered quietly, trying to scuttle away from the Ruler's grip. "L-Let go of me," he begged quietly.

"Not until I finish asking you my questions," the Ruler replied. "Now... May I ask why you have such a big stomach?"

Edd growled, feeling slightly offended. "I'm pregnant, smart ass," he said, pulling up a free hand and slapping the Ruler across his cheek.

The Ruler raised a brow, pinning Edd's hands above his head. "Oh, are you now?" he sneered. "Well... That's just bad news for you and the child then. Who's the father?"

"That's not important," Edd lied, staring at the Ruler with hatred in his eyes.

"Oh. Well, I guess when the baby is born, and you die, we could do a DNA test on the child and find out who he is. Then, once we do, we'll find him and force him to raise the baby on his own. I will tell you this, though- I am very strict when it comes to children being around the base. If the father is not a soldier from this army and he does not raise the baby as it is supposed to be around here, both him and the child will die."

Edd looked away, sniffling softly. Tears welled in the corner of his eyes, some slipping down his cheeks. 

The Ruler smiled, wiping them away with his thumb. "Aww, don't cry, Edd," he purred disgustingly. "Maybe if you please me enough, I'll let you and your baby go."

Word Count: 1,299

Oof, this was a bad chapter lmao-

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