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No one's POV


"Why Joon? I want child too! Have you seen my friends, always talking about their children? I feel bad because I don't have anyone to spoil with affection! Why??"- Jin cried.

"Baby, Don't cry! God will give us one someday ; all you have to do is to wait. Now, let me take you out for refreshment. Let's go, get up!"- Namjoon said softly.

Jin just nodded and wiped his tears.
He got ready and went out with his husband, Namjoon. On their way, Namjoon was saying numerous things to cheer up Jin. But being sad, Jin was just looking out the window.

Namjoon sighed when he didn't hear any reply from his husband. So he turned to to talk to him, forgetting that he was driving.

He was about to call Jin but suddenly he heard a boy's scream and looked in front of the car. But before he could stop the car, it hit the boy.

Jin and Namjoon immediately got out from the car and rushed towards the boy. While Namjoon was busy, calling an ambulance, Jin was checking if the boy was okay.

"Hello...please send an ambulance quickly, we just got a boy ; he is seriously injured.......okay. I will send the location, thanks."- Namjoon said and ended the call.

Jin was still looking at the boy whose head was in his lap. The boy seemed very young, maybe 13 or 14. Jin was holding him tightly as if he was his own son.

After few moments, the ambulance came and took the boy in the stretcher. They reached at the hospital and the doctor immediately took the boy in ICU.

After sometime, the doctor came from the room and asked Jin and Namjoon, if they were his parents.

"We aren't.." "Yes, we are his parents!"- Jin said, cutting off Namjoon.

"How is he now?"- Jin asked, ignoring Namjoon's confused face. "Well, he is fine now. But he may suffer amnesia for few days. Don't worry, he would recall it if you help him. But don't give him too much pressure. Give him the medicine I prescribed and he has to take rest for a while. That's all you have to do. Okay, have a good day."- said the doctor. Jin nodded.

The doctor was about to leave but he stopped in midway and turned around. "Who is Taetae, by the way? He was calling this name frequently."- the doctor said.

"He is...um-he is one of his friends. Actually they are very close that's why maybe he is calling his name."- Jin said, feeling tensed.

A nurse came and said that the boy's sense had come. "Oh, that's good. Mr.Namjoon, you can meet your son now."- the doctor said and left.

Jin rushed to the room and saw the boy was sitting up on the bed and looking at the window. Jin smiled and was about to enter but Namjoon stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Why did you say that we are his parents? We don't even know him ; if his parents try to find him and see their boy with us, they will misunderstand us as kidnappers!"- an angry Namjoon said.

"Joon, stop! We found him by ourselves and his parents wouldn't know about him if we hide him with us. Joon, please! I want to keep him as my child, please!!"- Jin pleaded.

"But Baby, he is not our child. We can't raise a boy whom we don't know. Besides, we don't know anything about him or his past ; what if he asks us anything? What will you say to him?"- Namjoon asked.

"He doesn't have to know about his past! We will make something for that. The doctor said that we have to remind him, he can't remember his own. Please, Joon! It's you who told me that God would give us child, see! You were true, God has sent us a pleasant gift and we will cherish him with our love."- Jin said and smiled.

Jin removed Namjoon's hand and entered the room. The boy looked at him and got surprised a bit. Jin went to him slowly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Who are you? Do I know you? Why am I here?"- The boy asked. "I am your appa. You had an accident when you were playing with me. That's why you are here. How are you feeling now?"- Jin asked him with full of affection.

"I am feeling some headache and I can't remember anything except that my name is Jungkook."- Jungkook said.

"Oh! You don't have to remember baby! We are here to help you. Now take rest."- Jin said and started caressing his hair.

Jungkook nodded and tried to sleep but whenever he closed his eyes, a certain face of a young boy kept appearing. He didn't pay attention because his appa said that he would help him to regain his memory.

Flashback ended

"I will make you forget him, baby! You're my child and you will stay with us until I die."


✍︎ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.
✍︎ ᴅᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.


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