Cнαρтєя : 15

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No one's POV

Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting on their chairs and listening to the lecture of their teacher. At least, they were pretending to listen. Actually at that moment, both of their minds were floating in a nameless river.

"Hobi hyung,"- Jungkook whispered.

"Hmmm,"- Hoseok replied.

"Let's tell teacher that we have to go to washroom."- Jungkook whispered again.

Hoseok looked at him like he was a stupid. 'What an idea! Hobi hyung, let's go to toilet!'- Hoseok thought.

But looking at those pleading eyes, he changed his mind. He stood up, cleared his throat and called the teacher.

"Sir, can we go to the washroom?"- Hoseok said with a smile.

"Sir, can we go to the washroom?"- Hoseok said with a smile

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"Sir, it's urgent!"- Jungkook exclaimed as he stood up too.

The teacher looked at them with an annoying expression

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The teacher looked at them with an annoying expression. "Will you go together?"- he asked with furrowed brows.

"Yes, sir."- Hoseok said.

"And may I know why?"- The teacher said, crossing his hands over his chest.

"Because sir, I promised him. No matter what happens, we will always stick together ; even if it is in bathroom!"- Hoseok said and felt so proud of his statement. But the whole class burst out in laughter.

Jungkook facepalmed and whispered, "Hobi hyung, stop over acting!"

"Oops, sorry!"- Hoseok sheepishly smiled at the younger. They started whispering between themselves again.

"GET OUT! NOW. AT. THIS. MOMENT!" - the teacher shouted.

Instead of getting scared, the two boys felt more than happy to comply their teacher's order. They got out from the classroom and went to the washroom. They stood before mirrors and Jungkook broke the silence.

"Hyung, let's go over the wall next to the gate."- Jungkook suggested.

"What? No way, not today! I can't do that, Jungkookie. I am not ready!"- Hoseok said, feeling scared.

"But we have to get out from here. We have to go to his office. And there is no other way."- Jungkook said.

"Jungkookie!"- Hoseok pleaded.

Jungkook sighed and started giving puppy eyes to Hoseok which immediately attacked his heart.

"Oh my hearteu! Okay, let's go."- Hoseok said and shook his head in disbelief.

"Yay!"- Jungkook exclaimed.


"Jimin, are you going somewhere?"

Jimin turned around and saw Taehyung was standing on his doorway.

"Uh-yeah, actually I am going to meet one of my old friends

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"Uh-yeah, actually I am going to meet one of my old friends."- Jimin lied.

"Oh, okay. Yoongi will go with you, right?"- Taehyung asked.

"No. He said, he has some important work. So he told me to go alone."- Jimin said and nervously smiled.

"Okay then. Take care."- Taehyung said and went away.

"Phew! That was hard!"- Jimin mumbled.

Yoongi was at office and Taehyung would be out of home shortly. Usually Jimin doesn't go anywhere without Yoongi and Taehyung. So, he was afraid that Taehyung would get suspicious.

However, he went to the parking lot and got in the car. He told the driver to start for the location he gave him beforehand.

All the way, he just stared outside of the window. He was thinking again and again. As if, he tried to remember everything. About what? About Jungkook. He had last seen the boy in his childhood.

Would Jungkook recognize him? He tried to remember every signature posture the younger used to do then. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice when he reached at his destination.


"Hyung, land on the earth for God sake! You are wasting so much time!"- Jungkook shouted slowly, he was getting very annoyed.

"Oh my God, Kookie! It's so scary. How can I land? I can't even understand how I got so up!" -  Hoseok said, feeling extremely scared.

Jungkook and Hoseok ultimately made a decision that they would go outside of college by the wall

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Jungkook and Hoseok ultimately made a decision that they would go outside of college by the wall. When they both had reached there, Jungkook suggested he would climb first. But Hoseok said he would go. But now he got stuck in the middle of the wall and sat up on it. He couldn't land because he thought that either he would get caught or he would die.

"Please, hyung! We are running out of time. Let me climb on it at least."- Jungkook said. Hoseok nodded furiously. And Jungkook started to climb.

Jungkook reached above the wall and ready to land on the other side of the school. He and Hoseok were about to land when a certain thin and sharp voice stopped them.

"What are you doing here, boys? Don't you have classes?"


✍︎ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.
✍︎ ᴅᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.


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