Cнαρтєя : 11

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Jungkook's POV

Where has my sleep gone? I have college tomorrow and here I am. Wide awake.

Actually I kept thinking about the tall, handsome man whom I met in this evening. His name is Kim Taehyung. My dad's business partner, I assume.

I don't know much about business shit

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I don't know much about business shit. So, I didn't participate into their conversation during dinner. Yoongi hyung asked me about my purple garden and I happily told him about it, also my love for the colour purple.

However after counting so many sheeps, I got up as my sleep just left me for the night. I made my way towards my garden.

Whenever I am tired or frustrated or sad, I come here. This place never fails to sooth me. And now I am frustrated because I can't sleep. So here I am.

This is the only place where I can think about anything alone. I always think how I came here, how they found me. Sometimes I want to know about my past. But Appa doesn't help me with it.

I went to that flower which was in the left side. I stood before it and started thinking about life.

Everything is going well still I feel lonely somewhere. Like I am missing something special always. The feeling was always there in my childhood and it is still here in present.

My thought got snapped when I heard someone calling me.


Oh my God! What now? Why are you doing this to me? Here I am trying to get out of my thoughts and you just made them in persons and presented before me. What did I do to deserve that?

'Okay, chill Kook, chill! Just turn around and face the ghost who just called you. Remember, you are more powerful than ghost, appa says that always.' - I thought to myself.

So following my mind, I turned around and saw a handsome ghost. I mean he is not the ghost I was afraid of. It was Mr. Kim.

Seeing him, I started feeling something familiar in my heart but I don't know what it is.

"Jungkook, can you hear me?"- that handsome guy asked me.

"Oh! yeah-yeah! I can hear you. Um....Do you need anything?"- I asked.

"Uh..no. Actually I couldn't sleep so I stood before the window to refresh myself and then I saw you. That's why. So what are you doing here at this time?"- he asked.

"I also couldn't sleep. Whenever it happens, I just come here." - I replied.

"I see"- Taehyung said.

A minute of silence.

"Do you mind showing me your garden? I am a little bit curious to see it fully."- Taehyung broke the silence with his deep voice.

I got startled at first at his deep voice. "Sure, come with me."- I said and took him with me to show around my garden.

No one's POV

Jungkook started showing Taehyung his purple garden. Sometimes he just randomly talked about flowers, their growth etc. Taehyung was listening to him fondly.

He was mesmerized. He was thinking how the cute bunny boy was looking so beautiful under the moonlight.

(Just imagine they were in garden)

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(Just imagine they were in garden)

Then his eyes landed on Jungkook's lips. How soft they were looking! He wanted to taste those lips now but he knew well than that.

He was not his 'Koo'. His name was just same and he just looked like his Koo. And how could he just guess that he was Jungkook? Because his Jungkook might have changed now. After all, he lost his love five years ago.

Also his Koo can't forget him. His Koo would have come to him running and jumped for a hug after seeing his hyungie.

He would have called him his signature name which only his Jungkook could call him.

"Tae-Tae hyungi!"

Taehyung snapped out quickly and swiftly turned around. He couldn't believe his eyes.

It was Jungkook who just called him. 'But how? How does he know this name?'- he thought. So many thoughts were roaming around his head.

Jungkook grabbed his hand and stood in front of him.

"Taehyung, what happened? are you okay?"- Jungkook asked worriedly.

"What did you call me?"- Taehyung asked blankly. Jungkook blinked for a while, then just sheepishly smiled.

"Oh, I called you Taetae hyungie. It slipped out of my tongue. Are you mad at me for calling you that?"- Jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung sat down. After a while, he looked beside him and saw Jungkook was fiddling with his fingers.

He sighed and called Jungkook.

"I'm sorry."- Jungkook immediately replied.

"Look at me."- Taehyung softly said.
Jungkook hesitantly looked at Taehyung with tearful eyes.

"Are you angry with me, hyungie? I didn't mean to get you mad, really! I-I don't like it when someone gets angry at me. I am sorry."- Jungkook said, sobbing lightly.

"No-no, I am not angry Jungkook. It's just..never mind. Come here."- Taehyung said and pulled the younger in a tight hug. He started telling him sweet things and rubbed his back comfortably.

Taehyung felt the same feeling arising in his body when he hugged the boy. He felt warmth ; warmth of love. He used to get that feeling whenever he hugged his Koo.

After sometime, Taehyung noticed that the younger was snoring. He was sleeping in his arms. Taehyung cooed at the pretty, cute boy and smiled.

He carried him in bridal style and went inside the house. He stood in the living room for sometime because he didn't know where Jungkook's room was.

He suddenly remembered that Jungkook went upstairs after dinner. So his room was there maybe.

So he went upstairs and finally he found the room. He laid the boy on the bed slowly and was about to go but Jungkook grabbed his hand.

He stopped and heard Jungkook was mumbling something in his sleep. He bend down to hear and what he heard, again surprised him.

"Taetae hyungie, don't leave Koo."


✍︎ ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.
✍︎ ᴅᴏ ᴠᴏᴛᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ.


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