Sky: Before The SleepOver

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  • Dedicated to Nicole

I woke up with curiosity of last night. I checked the time, 12:37. I looked at Seattle who was lying on the bed with a cup in her hand asleep. I knew she was drunk, she always is. I grabbed my toothbrush to brush my teeth. As I was doing so, I checked the calendar, Saturday. I pulled out some clothes and a towel and headed to the showers.

When I was done I put my shorts with a purple shirt that said "Smile" on it. Under it I had my leotard and tights for dance.

I went on my laptop and checked in with my essay. "I just need one paragraph and I'm done" I said to myself. I was studying criminal justice and I had to write a review of a movie I watched of crime.

I went to the mini fridge and pulled out the milk to make coffee. I didn't have the feeling for Starbucks, which was weird. Me and Seattle always get Starbucks before class.

I grabbed the cup of coffee and went to my study table to work on my essay

After I was done, I washed the cup and fixed my bed. "OK Sky, so what are you going to take with you tonight? " I thought. Tonight was the sleepover with my besties.

I picked my monkey pj's and some underpants. I also grabbed a toothbrush. I put it all in my bag and put it to the side of my bed.

After a while, Seattle woke up and went to the bathroom. "Girl, what happened last night?" I said.

"I don't really remember." she said.

I pulled my dark brown, long flowing hair into a tight ponytail. I liked how it looked as a ponytail.

"Well I have to get to ballet class. I can't be late this time. See ya later boo!" I said. I went to hug her.

"KK! Later Babe!" Seattle waved bye as she winked at me.

I shut the door and headed out.

I met Seattle in the third grade along with my other friends, Marceline, Lexi, and Priscilla. We all have different personalities. I am Sky, the sweetheart, friendly and sassy one . I have hazel eyes and I have a boyfriend. His name is Drake .

But I have a secret, I have O.C.D, (Obsesssive Cumpulsive Disorder)

My kind of OCD is the one where I always think I'm going to catch an illness. I first got it when I was in 6th grade. My parents had set up a therapy every Saturday for me. I start today at 4:30 after ballet.

Anyways, I also have a blog. I tutor people if they need help from school. I am really into my studies in school. I always had good grades and I was very grateful to get into Cate Boarding High School.

As I was heading out I saw Priscilla in her car with a determined look on her face. Ever since she started taking photography classes last month, she has been acting weird. I waved hi, but she didn't see me.

I got in my car and headed to my ballet class. I'm really into pop music so I put that to listen to in the car.

When I arrived, I parked my car and went inside. I have a schedule of the type of dances I do throughout the week. Since today was Friday I do ballet in Pointe.

When I entered I got my Pointe shoes out of my bag and got into class. I started dancing when I was 8. Someday I wish to become a professional ballerina.

2 hours later I finished class.I went in my car and headed to my therapy. I have to go to get help or my problem will get worse.

I look at my phone and said "I can do this, I'm not going to call my boyfriend,Drake. I won't, I can do this. I haven't spoken to him in 4 days. I have to see if he really cares about me. He would've called me by now.

I put on my headphones to control myself as I drived to the therapy building. It  took 40 minutes to get there, but eventually I was on time.

I entered the building and my hands we're shaking. It was my first time and I was nervous.

"Hello how may I help you ?"the officer said.

" I came to see the therapist, Dr. Angela"I replied.

"4th floor, room 312" he replied.

"Thank you"I said.

I head upstairs and into the room. When I enter the room, a strong smell of coffee hits me in the face.

She smiled and says "Welcome, please have a sit."

I sit down on the chair and got comfortable for the 20min that awaits here for me.

"So what's your name, and how old are you?"she said.

"My name is Sky Bridget and I am 17 years old."

So, I'm going to ask you some questions about your issue. Is that okay? She asked

"Of course." I said

So what's the issue? How are you dealing with it right now? why is it an issue? and what are you hoping to do to resolve it?" She said.

I answered by saying, "I have a problem of supposing that I'm going to get sick out of any little thing. I don't know How to deal with this issue ,and I'm hoping you can help me. I always use hand sanitizer after I do a simple thing like driving. And I wash my hands constantly."

"Okay well what you need to do is just take your medications and if you feel like your getting Ill just go to the doctor. Its as simple as that", she smiled happily. Ok, your going to be fine.  Just— calm down.

20 minutes later

That concludes our 20 minute therapy. I'll see you next week. Have a good day." she says

"Okay! Thanks. See you next week, bye" I waved goodbye.

I head downstairs and go out the building, I took out my hand sanitizer and put it on my hands. I don't know how I'm going to solve my problem, but I'm going to do everything possible to fix it.

I get in my car and went on the highway to go to Cate and get ready to go to the sleepover....

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