Marsh: Before The SleepOver

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  • Dedicated to Frida

Hey, I'm Marceline, but everyone calls me Marsh. I have like a thousand friends, but my main squad members are Lexi, Seattle, and Sky. I know, so much people, but I still love it!! I would have added Priscilla, but its getting a little awkward ( tell you later..). Anyways, we've been best friends since like 3rd grade. And now, we even live together, here in Cate High/ Boarding School in Cali!!

So I'm basically the crazy brown two pony tailed/ curly haired girl, who usually does the unexpected stuff and doesn't really like to follow the shity ass rules. Like, how are we not allowed to eat or drink in class? Like, what if I'm parched and I want some sparkling water or I'm hungry as fuck and wanna eat some Twinkies? Petty rules....

Anyways, Cate Boarding School is the shit! There's cute boys (Such as my bae Ansel; He is soo adorable), I'm always with my squad, and its a penthouse!! Its been my dream to live in a place as cool as this!!

Switching the topic, I texted all my friends to have a sleepover tonight at Seattle's dorm. But noooo!! We can't have one today because its a "school night". Who gives! I would have one even on a Monday, because we all know I'm retarded like that.

So now we re-scheduled to tomorrow and like always, I'm gonna get ready last minute.

The Next Day

So Its 6, and Lexi ( my roommate) is still not here. She left like at 4. Why is she taking so long. Where the hell did she walk, through a fucking rainbow?? And, her walks are pretty weird because she always ends up coming back with cuts and bruises. Like, watch your step Lexi. Lol!

I guess I just have to continue with my day like always, and pack my stuff.

So far I have packed half of my closet because I don't want to look like a ratchet, dirty looking mop. I never look like a mop. Except when I fell down the stairs in third grade and had to wear a cast for 2 weeks.

But anyways, Im so EXCITED!!


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