Priscilla: Before The Sleepover

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I'm Priscilla. I am the sarcastic creepish one. I was best friends with Ansel Elgort for five years until my friend who's now a bitch to me named Marceline started to date him.

The night I went to Ansel's house to ask him out, I saw Marceline and him making out on his couch. Like, the fuck? I'm still in initial shock, and now I'm seeking revenge. I want to dig up a big secret about her and use it to destroy her.

As Marceline took my best friend away from me, I became lonely and desperate. I found a new obsession, stalking. Okay.. I know its not the best thing ever.But I can find out what everyone's hiding. And everyone is hiding A LOT of filthy secrets.

The next day....

I'm really excited for this sleepover tommorow. I pack a bag full of clothes, a toothbrush and soap.

I look around my room wondering what should I do in my free time. I spot my camera on the top of my red bookcase. I get up from my bed and walk to it.

I tiptoe to reach my camera and when it touches my fingertips, it falls on the carpet floor with a loud plop. I pick it up and turn it on. The first thing I see is a photo album full of Marceline's selfies. This bitch used my camera? The fucking nerve. Pissed, I scroll through deleting them all."Who's gonna be my movie star today?" I say out loud to myself.

Lexi. She was always creeping around, going to Ross' house and coming back with bruises. I stuff my camera in my black leather purse and sling it over my shoulder. I walk out of the room, locking the door behind me. When I get outside, I walk to my sleek black BMW. I got it for my birthday present last year. I unlock the door and get inside, the smell of the black ice air freshener suffocating me. I drive to the highway, easily remembering the way to Ross' house. I'm driving about 65 mph and the car in front of me suddenly stops.

Out of reflex, I swerve into the next lane before my car can hit the car in front of me. What the fuck just happened? A car behind me honks, bringing me back to earth. I drive past the asshole I almost crashed into and stick the middle finger at him.

I am about a block away from Ross' house and I see a bright flash of blue. Was that hair?

I park in the nearest parking spot and take my camera, keys and my phone out of my purse. I get out of my car and lock it. I walk up to Ross' house at a safe distance and get my camera out. Another flash of blue. It must be lexi's hair. I'm behind a bush, so I can't get a really good view.

I push apart some leaves and see Ross' hand clamped down on Lexi's arm, practically dragging her to his buliding. I put my camera in front of my right eye trying to get a better view. Click. Before I can take another picture they disappear inside the building.

Right after they disappear, I run to the fire escape and look through a window that is in the staircase. I hear a loud cry.

"Stop Ross you're hurting me!" It sounds like Lexi. I put my face closer to the window catching a glimpse of them climbing up the stairs. Lexi looks in my direction and I duck. I hope she didn't see me. I knew Ross' floor since I used to watch his dog there. Going up the fire escape, I make my way to the forth floor in less than a minute. I look into the living room window, figuring they would be there. I put my camera up to my face ready to take a photoshoot. I see Lexi being thrown to the couch. Click. Ross kisses her and tries to take off her shirt. Click. She says something I can't hear through the thick glass. Ross' fist goes up into the air. Click. It lands on Lexi's face. Click.

After I see Lexi get punched I want to open the window and help her. But I know he would batter me and her even more if I did. Ross grabs her by the neck and pushes her against a wall. Click. I put my camera down on one of the stairs on the fire escape and start to push the window open. Just as I crack the window, I see Ross let go of her.

I quickly shut the window and get my camera up to my face again. Lexi has a fresh bruise on her cheek and some dried blood. Click. She heads to the direction of the bathroom and I lose sight of her. Ross walks into the kitchen and I lose sight of him too.

After a couple of minutes I see Lexi again and her bruise is gone. Makeup. And she changed her clothes. Click. Ross appears again and gives her a hug and a kiss. They stare at each other. Click. He says something to her and she leaves quickly.

I rush down the fire escape almost tripping over my own feet. She starts to run down the block. Click. She turns right and I lose sight of her again. She  is probably is gonna catch the bus. I walk back to my car and unlock the doors. I get inside, put my camera back in my purse and start the engine. I look up and Ross is standing in front of my car.

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