Introduction to characters

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Theo is a red and brown husky with bright curious blue eyes that wander and never stay still for long. Theos age is unknown. Theo was mutated by someone who left their dog to be killed by a nuclear waste power plant. The power plant had finally combusted after years and years of torturous smells and sounds. Theo is mostly white, but he does have some traditional husky markings, like red soft fluffy ears that always stand up. The red fur on his back that his owners hand sinks into as he's  running his hand softly down his back. His markings end just before his chest and slowly fades white from then on.  He has white paws, white chest; red ears, red back, and a red tail. Theo stands at just 152cm (5 foot.) Theo

-Jaw power

-Over protectiveness

Lucy is a 5'4 female with long brownish black hair that she has tied half up so its out of her face when shes hunting and running or scavenging. Lucy hasn't cut her hair since birth as no one was willing too. No one had time to worry about something so simple as cutting hair. Lucy's hair went down past the middle of her back. Lucy has dark green eyes that reminds people of a thick lush forest.    
Lucy has freckles all over her nose and the top of her checks. Lucy's freckles help bring peoples attention to her small button nose and small round lips.  Lucy's parents were always telling her how cute she was.
Lucy's parents were worried about her and how she wouldn't hunt or scavenge for her own food. Lucy wasn't a hunter or scavenger. Lucy couldn't bring herself to harm any of the living creatures even if it meant her own survival. Lucy's parents were scared about what could happen if they pass.
Would she be able to take care of herself. Would she be able to survive on her own with her parents that she solely relied on. Lucy's parents thought her to rely on her emotions. They told Lucy that her emotions could never stree her wrong. Lucy had become very dependent on her parents. They never thought her when it was time to let go of her emotions and to rely on brain power.
Lucy would cling to her parents. When they passed she was devastated. Lucy didn't know what to do with herself after they passed, she beat herself up over it. She thought she could have done more to save them when the 10 feet monster showed up. But Lucy ran. She ran and didn't stop until she found a large 5 foot dog.
She didn't know what to do when the dog lifted up his muzzle from his prized kill. With blood all over his teeth and muzzle he started growling a low warning growl. Lucy already new she was going to die "might as well pet him" she slowly walked up to him with her hand out for him to smell. Theo lowered his ears and watched her with curious eyes she kept getting closer and closer till she was able to rub his ears. When Lucy did this something opened. Something happened between Lucy and Theo a bond was formed right away between the two. Theo became her protector and wouldn't let her leave his side. 


-depended on other people too much

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