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Everythings been a blur. I finally was able to bury Kasey... I find it even harder to go there now... Seeing my family was hard enough to do... now my one true love is buried with them... They all died the same way...
I dropped my head against the table remembering all the laughs and smiles we shared here... The tears started again... Theo came and placed his head on my shoulder Eddie placed his head on my knee whining... He missed Kasey as much as I did... I rubbed his ears trying to get him to calm down...
"Should we go to her grave today?"
They both looked over at me and barked happily and ran to the door... I stood up and dragged myself to the door... I felt like garbage every since she died... I could have done so much better... I could have tried... I could have ran home and grabbed a needle and thread...
I could have saved her... But I didn't I sat there and watched her die in my arms... I stopped and grabbed flowers again... like I always did when visiting them... I down beside her grave and placed the flowers on it...
"I'm so sorry Kasey" I tried oh lord I did try to not cry... But I sobbed over every word...
"I'm so sorry for the stupid fight we had... I'm so sorry I didn't try harder... I'm so sorry..."
I couldn't tell you how long I stayed and sobbed at her grave but it made me feel better... I'll never find someone like her... Never... I stood up and called the dogs over. They were all covered in mud and soaked I laughed at them and pulled on Kaseys Jacket... it still smelled like her...It helped... not really... it made me think she was still here; more masking the pain not moving on from it. I'm going to have to move the ship... I need it gone... I opened the door and walked downstairs my mind empty of thoughts... I don't need to have another mental breakdown...How am I going to pick this up... I can grab the front and drag it... I walked over to the front and wrapped my hands under the bottom and lifted it up I started moving it to the back room when a little slip of paper fell out of the side... I walked over and picked it up not ready or expecting what I was going to read
"You'll probably find this note after getting frustrated when the engine doesn't work. The truth is: I, Kasey Neibolt, broke it. I wanted to go home, but I realised that you are my home. I'm sorry I've kept you working; I just liked spending time with you.
Look, I don't think I'll have the courage to say this to you in person, so I'll say it here:
I love you.
I hope I don't regret this later.

See you at supper!"

"I love you too Kasey"  I walked back upstairs with the note in my hand wanting to lay in my bed for a while with the note... I grabbed Kaseys blanket and curled under it with the note tucked tightly under my arms...
"I'll see you at supper..."

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now