Innsania 2C Chapter Nine

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I watched Kasey walk out of the house dragging Ben behind, her tears were running down her cheeks. I had a feeling she was going to be digging him a grave, but it was confirmed when she started using her hands to dig. Her nails were ripped off and bleeding everywhere
"Kasey," I was weakly calling her.
"Kasey!" I started walking to her with a sweater, she needs to come inside we can do it when it's bright out.
"Kasey... what are you doing?" I needed to make sure she was okay it's cold tonight. I was taking deep glups to try and feel my lungs with the air I lost. You could see my hot breath in clouds as I breathed out making room for another glub of air . I could hear Theo running behind me. He isn't light on his feet.
"Digging." was the only thing I could get out of her. I sat down beside her hugging my legs. I dropped the sweater on Kaseys shoulders.
"You don't even have a shovel. Look, let's talk about this in the day, when we're less tired." I was begging her to come inside to come home...
"No. I'm doing it now." Her statement was filled with anger. I sighed and looked up at the dark clouds
"Why are you burying him here? I was going to bury him next to my parents. So they're all together." I smiled sadly remembering some of the imagines that were coming back.
"...Your parents? Why? He lived as an individual, he should die as one." There was venom dripping from her mouth. I moved further away from her when tears started to fill my eyes.
"Wow... you really haven't changed at all, have you?" I looked at her  in such anger and disbelief. "You're still the same old Kasey Neibolt. You're still cold, still rude, still emotionless." Kasey stood up and stared down at me. She was looking down at with an unannounced fury.
"Oh, I haven't changed? What about you! So emotional and weak. Always depending on Theo. You're so disgustingly self-centered that you think my friend would want to be buried beside your parents! You always think you're right! Not everyone is the exact same as you!" I stood up ready to slap Kasey across the face but I didn't. I took a deep breath.
"Yeah well people are supposed to stick together. People are supposed to have connections. You want everyone to be just as cold as you!" I shouted in her face. I didn't want to deal with this. Kasey was shaking in anger.
"Fine. Do what you want." Kasey took off back into the forest with Eddie on her tail. I shook my head at her with tears falling down my face. I took Ben by the arms and dragged him towards my family's grave, I moved the leaves around looking for the shovel I hid. I found it and picked it up. I walked back over to Ben and put my arm over my eyes to try and stop the tears. I started digging his grave and placed him in it, I went looking for a large piece of wood to carve his name on it. I went back to his grave and sat down with it I used my nails to carved his name in it and placed it just behind where his head rests I got up again and looked for flowers I found some purple, green and blue ones. I picked a lot of them up. I walked back over his grave and started filling it back up with dirt I need to put the flowers on the grave.
"Hey ben i'm sorry this had to happen to you. You seemed like a nice guy. I wish I got to know you more."
I placed the flowers down and took a few steps back. I started thinking about Kasey again. My eyes filled with tears. I can't do this. She's like family and we fought over the stupidest tiny thing. He was buried where he needed to be.
"LUCY!" I looked up confused, whos calling me? Oh it's Kasey. I looked back down.
"Why?" I mumbled looking around.

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now