Innsania 2C Chapter Five

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My wrist didn't hurt as much as it did earlier. It was now more of a dull ache, like an old injury that flared up at random times. I wasn't sure how to explain the feeling... it was strange. I had never had an injury of sorts even when I was a young child. Besides the marks from the monster; they had yet to leave. I could still feel them racing up my arm, small lines, like a bike track... I looked over forgetting how close I was to Kasey. We were nose to nose. I began to panic. Short uneven breaths came out of my mouth as I tried to remove myself from the couch. I abruptly found myself on the floor with a loud blow to my lower back and wrist. Of course it was the sprained one. The pain came back full force. I covered my mouth to stop the painful cry from leaving my throat. I felt eyes staring at me as I lifted my head to be met with a pair of honey brown eyes. I mumbled a,
"Hi Kasey"  and looked away embarrassed. I heard a little giggle and flushed a deeper red.
" Hi Lucy" 
I stood up and looked over at her as I felt my cheeks cool down "I'm going to actually make coffee... If you want some."
"Yeah. Thanks."
"You can come to the kitchen and we can talk about the plain, you know to look for the metal?"
"Yeah that works."
I could feel her long stands behind me as I walked out the door. I heard the creaking of the door as I looked behind me to see Kasey closing the door there was a very mumbled
I smiled at her and turned back around to continue my descent
down the stairs.  Kasey wanted to go outside and look for metal. I was pushed out of my thoughts to feel a wet thick tongue on my face. I was staring into blue green eyes. Theo's eyes. I giggled at his excited face and scratched behind his ears. I slid out from under Theo with the back of my head throbbing. He knocked me down while I was still walking down the stairs. I looked over at Theo. Where was Eddie? He probably ran off somewhere. Kasey looked shocked as I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs. I was basically running down the stairs, but Kasey was walking. She was so tall. It was good for if we had to run from anything but it annoyed me. Her frame towered over mine.
I walked over to coffee beans that I had finished yesterday
when the pain left my wrist. I dumped a little in a filter, it was a ripped shirt. It kept the beans out and didn't leave a paper taste. My mother's voice flashed through my head.
"If it's not broken don't fix it." 
I walked over and gave Kasey a flint and steel to start a fire.  You could hear the scraping of the metal over the wood. It was stacked in a high V shape, and was protected by old beaten up red bricks. They weren't red anymore, more of a faded brown. When the fire was finally going, (it took a really long time may I add,) I walked over with a metal pot filled with water and placed it in the middle of the V shape. I put a metal rod in the handle. I did not want to burn my hand on the metal. I sat down on the old wooden chair. Kasey didn't move from beside the fire, almost like she was mesmerized by it.
"Kasey came sit with me please, we need to get a game plan."
She seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in. She walked over and pulled the chair out. It scraped against the floor with a loud "ERRRRrrrrr".  I was sure it left a mark on the floor, getting rid of the stain over the wood.
"Kasey do you remember where the ship is?" 
    "I have a small idea where it is but i'm not 100% sure."
    "We can look around after we drink our coffee." My mouth began to water at the thought of coffee. As if on cue, the pot began to bubble. I stood up and got the pot out of the fire at the same time Eddie and Theo ran in through the back door. The backyard was fenced all around up to the roof of the house in barbed wire. Something my great great great grandparents did. I guessed it was a good thing now: Theo could go outside at any time and Eddie could too. I walked over to the old standed cups and poured the hot water over the beans. I handed Kasey hers as she sat at the table and drank the hot coffee. I walked outside and dug up the cooler to feed Eddie and Theo. I pulled out two rather large steaks and placed each in a different areas of the kitchen. I sat down across from Kasey and pulled out the book I stored in the wood under the chair. "Pet Sematary" it read in big yellow letters. I took a sip of my hot coffee as I opened the book to the first page. I could feel the hot liquid running down my throat as I looked up at Kasey.
    "What do you plan on doing when you get the metal back?"
"I plan on going home."
"Oh. Okay, I'll help you rebuild the ship."
Kasey took another sip of her coffee.
    "Thank you."
I took the last sip of my coffee and went back upstairs to get changed into my protective gear. I called Kasey up and gave her a pair of the underclothes. I wanted to make sure she was safe.
"We should take Eddie." I smiled.
Kasey seemed to glare off in the distance as she said "Okay."
"Are you sure? You don't seem to like him?" I didn't want to force her to take him if she didn't want to.
"Yes Lucy I want to take him."
"Okay..." she seemed mad at me. I wasn't sure why. Maybe because of Eddie. I let Theo out first to make sure everything was good and then I followed suit.
"Kasey do you remember which way to go?"
"Yeah follow me."
Eddie was right beside Kasey the whole time. It made my heart hurt to realize how much this dog truly cared for her and how little she cared for him. I understood she was raised without emotion, but you'd think they'd be able to love their own animal.
"Eddie come here" I wanted him next to me and Theo. I rubbed his head when he stood next me.
"Kasey? We should walk against the forest line. We can see in past the trees."
"Yeah. Okay, let's do that"
She made a sharp turn for the forest line. I slowly followed in the movement careful not to step on any paws. Eddie and Theo made their way up to the very front and guided us against the forest.
"Hey Kasey?'
"Whats up?"
"Can you tell me more about your home?"
"Later, after we get everything."
    We fell into a comfortable silence after that with the occasional glance into the forest from my end. Kasey's eyes wouldn't falter from the forest. It made me wonder how bad she wanted to get home. To a place where emotions were banned.
"Does everyone walk around like zombies on Innsania?" I giggled at my own joke as Kasey stared at me in complete and utter confusion.
"What?' her eyebrow raised the longer I didn't say anything.
"Nothing." I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment at how stupid that must have sounded.
"Just you said "we aren't allowed to show emotion."  So do people just walk around like zombies?"
She didn't answer my question. She seemed to ignore it. It was almost like I was right. I did a little victory dance in my head. Before I was snapped out of it by a voice saying:
"There's the metal."
I looked over and sure enough there it was.
"How are we supposed to bring it all back?"
"Theo and Eddie"
She said this so motone that it scared me. I didn't want to hurt either of them with the weight of the metal.  Kasey assured me it wouldn't harm them. We continued walking. The uneven soft muddy ground made it hard not to slip. I often found myself reaching and grabbing Theo's fur to stable myself. I was worried about ripping some fur out of his coat but he didn't seem to mind. His paws were already covered in mud so why care about his fur at the moment. Kasey seemed lost in her own mind. She had been zoning out all day. I wondered if she was missing someone back home. Maybe she did show emotion back home. I had heard her laugh. I had seen her smile. I had seen her blush. Maybe she missed her family? Maybe she kept thinking about them? Or was it that girl that was on the ground by the ship- Her stomach ripped open by the monsters? I could feel the goosebumps traveling up my arm as I remembered the feeling and the way she looked when I saw her. "Blood pooled around her lower body, almost like a skirt. My eyes slowly traveled upwords to her lower stomach where the blood was coming from, a large slit. Dark pink intestines pooled out. I dry heaved. Having no food or water in your stomach at a time like this was horrible. Dry heaving for a good ten minutes doesn't feel good. Finally my stomach was able to push up some liquid- throwing it up on the forest floor. I prayed she was gone. Fully eaten by the monsters. I couldn't stomach another sighting.

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now