Innsania 2C Chapter Ten

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    "WHAT? I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" Me and Kasey spent a good ten minutes yelling at each other until we both heard Eddie and Theo growl
    "Lucy, you need to go inside! There's no point in both of us dying! If I run, It'll catch us, just go!" I'm not going inside. I'm not losing her. I shook my head at her. I grabbed her arm and took her behind the tree. Theo and Eddie were in front of the tree ready to lung and attack the monster at any time.
"I'm not losing you the same way I lost them. I just got my family back." I was pretty close to Kasey my breath fanned against her neck to conform our closeness.
"I know, Lucy. It's okay. I've never had a family before. If I were to lose you... I don't think I'd be able to live with myself. Please..."
Hot tears started to pour down my face I'm not even sure why. I had to cover my mouth to make sure the monster couldn't hear me. Kasey placed her hand on my back. Kasey stood up and walked out to see if the monster was still there. I stood up and stepped on some leaves. I saw Kasey squeezed her eyes shut. I stood still hoping nothing heard me. We waited to make sure nothing heard us or was coming. Our breaths and heart beat syncrinassed in the wait. Kasey sat down and leaned against Theo.
"Do... do you think it's gone?" Kasey whispered.
"I think so... but we should lie low here for a bit longer before trying to get back. We don't know how far away it is." I mumbled montoned. We sat down with dogs leaning against them. The time dragged on, seeming endless. It Turned what should have been seconds into minutes. Minutes into years. We were left with the knowledge that we'd either go home in one piece or be torn apart. The dogs were warm against our backs me and Kasey were rubbing and scratching the dogs ears to show them how much we appreciate them and how they wear proticing us. Kasey stood up. "What?" I whispered. I was so confused Kasey put a finger to her lips. She was looking around then stopped. She was staring behind me...
"Lu...Luc..." She tried to speak but nothing came out. I was terrified of what was behind me.
"LUCY! BEHIND YOU!" I whipped around in disbelief. I slowly looked up already knowing what was behind me. My flight or fight left me. I stood frozen not knowing what to do, even though I did. I could hear Kasey running. Her feet crunching against the grass at an alarming rate. I was hoping she was running towards the house but her footsteps were getting louder and closer not lighter and feather away. The monster was running too.  Running towards me. I wasn't ready. I couldn't move. I wanted to. Oh dear god I wanted to run. I've trained my whole life to be able to do this. Yet here I am staring up at the monster that killed my family. Killed Ben, and Dave.
Kasey ran into me with such an unknown speed I think that shocked me more then the pain that shot through my lower back. A scream escaped my lips. The ache was starting to subside almost admittedly. I rubbed my back. My head shot up with the sound of a hard body hitting the ground. I saw the monster lifting it's arm up
"THEO!!! EDDIE!!!" I called the dogs over and pointed at the monster. Theo barked so loud it sounded like a demonic roar. He took of and attack the monster. I could hear Kasey screaming in the background. Pain was shoving through me faster then the addrinle could. I wasn't sure if I was going to cry, scream or run. When I looked over at Kasey my mind made the decision, I jumped up and walked over to her. Theo and the monster wear fighting like their lives depended on it. Theos jaw never stopped. They were flying everywhere trying to get a grip on the monster rough skin. Theo never stopped pushing the monster away from us he knew what I wanted. Theo finally got a good grip on the monster. The monster was  flaring and flinging it's head trying to get Theo 0ff it. When it was finally able to rid itself of Theo strong jaws it ran towards the trees and disappeared. I looked back over at Kasey to see her head dropped now. She was grabbing widely at her stomach trying to stop the blood. I could feel the tears running down my face hitting my heads, shoulders and ground. I whipped my tears away. I walked over to Kasey not prepared for the extent of her injuries. I sat down on my knees with a deep breath reaching down and lifting her arms as gently as I could away from her midsection. My eyes filled with unshed tears by the sight of her.
"You're going to be okay..." I couldn't hold in the sob that left the back of my throat. I looked down at Kasey's face. She was covered in sweat. Her eyes held pain it scared me to see. This strong, beautiful girl that has never once shown pain; is here right in front of me showing how much pain she's in. I used the back of my sweater sleeve to wipe the sweat off.
"I'll make sure you're okay." My voice was cracking. It was hard to even believe myself. moved into a criss cross position. I lead my hands gently under her head and moved her to my lap. My tears were now falling onto Kaseys forehead. I felt bad but she didn't seem to mind...
I need to stop the bleeding. I took off my sweater and as gently as I could I pushed it under Kaseys stomach. I had to lift her she hissed and scrunched her eyes closed at the feeling. I pulled it as tight as I could.
"This is to hopefully stop the bleeding."
It didn't stop the bleeding in fact it made it worse. The sweater stained red in a matter of seconds I gave off an exhausted and defeated whimper. I didn't want to lose Kasey the same way I'd lost everyone else. Kasey shut her eyes and started to take deep gulps of air, her chest heaving up and down with each breath. A smile covered Kaseys lips, her body becoming relaxed. This is all my fault.
"I-I'm so sorry you... you didn't get to go home," I choked over every word. I couldn't do anything to help. I caused this. Sobs wracked my small frame.
"I'm so sorry."  I covered my eyes with my hand. I didn't want my tears going on Kaseys face anymore. But they still did they went through my fingertips onto her face.
"Hey... It's okay." Her speech was slightly slurred scaring me even more she was losing  a lot of blood.
"Lucy, that place has never been my home. I never belonged. Never had a purpose. My home... is with you."  She flashed me a tired grin my way I couldn't help but laugh.
"Y'know... I didn't really want to go home," She confessed
"I've only been continuing this mission because I enjoyed spending the time with you." I smiled at her and giggled.
"You could've just told me!" I was trying to keep the mind light and fun. We were laughing at this point... Kasey's you could tell was pain filled. My eyes filled with tears at how much I loved her and how she made me feel whole again. Like i belonged like I had a family...
I'm not sure how long we sat that for. It was in a calm yet slightly painced silent. we listened to the wind around just enjoying each others company to the best of our ability given our current circumstances I heard a distant "Lucy" that brought me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I looked down at Kasey not expecting the words she said to come out.
"Thank you."
I looked down at her flabbergasted until she slowly wrapped her arms around the back of my head and pulled me down into a kiss.
      Our lips crashed together, and the world faded, until there was nothing but the burning passion of our love. It was setting my senses alive. Her hands grabbed the back of my head making sure I wouldn't move. Her lips were soft and warm against mine. This was my first kiss...
I wouldn't change it for the world. My stomach filled with butterflies at the thought and feeling her lips have against mine. We both pulled away taking a breath of air as we did so.
I looked away blushing and smiling until Kasey called me one last time...
I looked down at her smiling. She muttered another three words I thought she'd never say...

"I love you."

I looked down at her ready to say I love you too... I watched her eyes filter closed with a bright ever lasting smile on her face... The tears were flowing freely now as I said my reply...

"I love you too."

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now