Chapter one

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Lucy woke up like she did everyday for the past 18 years of her life. She looked at her clock as it read 5:30 in big red numbers that seemed to stand out against the black background of her room. Lucy looked out the window as she normally would but instead of the normal dying trees and people walking around in tattered clothes, Lucy saw blood covering the grass and broken down shelters. Lucy couldn't stand to look outside anymore. The nine foot monsters stared her down from the broken window that was covered in a old ripped up blanket. The blanket helped her get some sleep at night after the nuclear war affected the sun like it did in the arctic back in the 2000s (before the first bomb was planted). The sun stays up pretty much 24/7 all year long except that one day every few decades. On this day the monsters are solely affected; they become stronger and faster. The monsters get razor sharp teeth and become bloodthirsty like no other being to ever walk the wasteland that was formerly called earth. Unfortunately for Lucy today was the day they call dia de la mort. Dia de la mort means death day. Most of the left over humans die on this day. It was no different for lucy: She lost her grandparents on this day. Lucy can't remember much from that day but what she does remember is both sweet and grissom
"Grandma Grandma look at the sky. What are those white things? What do people call them?" asked 5 year old lucy.
"Lucy calm down my love they're stars aren't they pretty" Lucy couldn't calm down. She was so excited to look at the stars and everything in a new perspective. Lucy wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and fell. Lucy wasn't hurt but decided to stay lay on the ground watching the sky. She didn't listen to her grandmother calling her as Lucy had pretty much fallen asleep. Lucy was awoken by the feeling of hot steamy breath that fanned her face. She knew right away it wasn't anyone in her family as the smell of rotting skin and blood wafted into her face. Lucy didn't know what to do. She laid there on the soft light green grass with her eyes tightly squeezed shut. She heard her grandmother calling her name over and over again from the safety of her house. Lucy started freaking out. She didn't have anything on her that she could use to defend herself the last thing lucy remembers is feeling sharp claws against her forearm and her grandfather running towards her when she passed out from shock. Lucy woke up being cradled by her sobbing mom with her dad trying to comfort her. Lucy didn't know what happened all she could see was a large blood red bandage wrapped around her left forearm. She quietly whispered
"Mom....... What happened?" Lucy's mom couldn't even talk she keep stumbling over her words. Her dad rubbed Tiannas back and talked for her
"Lucy baby... your grandparents are dead..." Lucy jumped out of her mom's arms and looked her father in his eyes to see how serious he was, yet she still screamed in their faces,
"It's not true!! How dare you lie to me!!" Both her parents looked at her in complete horror. Her parents couldn't believe her words. They stared at her eyes wide open as they watched her run out the door to where she remembered seeing her grandparents last. Lucy stopped dead in her tracks when her foot came into contact with a wet sticky subtrains. Lucy couldn't help all the dark and gross thoughts that filled her mind as she slowly looked down.... She couldn't she wouldn't. What Lucy saw that day was permanently engraved in her mind. Well i mean who wouldn't have the picture of their grandmothers headless blood covered body.. Well what was left of the smashed up body. Lucy's grandfather was nowhere in sight and she was thankful for that.. She wouldn't be able to stomach another one of her loved ones body all torn up. Lucy sprinted back to her mother at an unforgettable speed. She jumped into her mother's arm and started bowling. She couldn't control her small fear ridden body as it shook with horror. She kept thinking over and over again. Lucy would never get the thought out of her head. "What if i listened and gone with my grandmother inside would they still be here" I shook my head to bring myself back to reality i needed to walk theo as he was whining at door for god knows how long. She looked at her black beaten up clock it read 8:30. "Wow" i mumbled. "I can't believe i spent 3 hours thinking about that. It was bad enough i lost my grandparents and parents the same way...." I didn't want to think about their death but it was unavoidable today was the 5th year after they died. They died on my 18th birthday. A day i wish i could forget i mean i found Theo, I guess it was an okay day. I put on my black one piece that covers almost all my skin from the monsters. I'm thinking about visiting the makeshift graves i buried them in as i pull on my dark camo green sweater and dark blue old ripped up jeans. Theo kept shoving his head in my back to let me know he was getting inpation as he was barking at me when i slowed down. I rubbed his head as i pulled on my shoes and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth with one of the many homemade toothbrush. My mother found the materials in the rubble and dirt of old broken down and abandoned stores. Theo once again starting hitting my back to get me to go faster as he growled at the door. He could feel my uneasiness about to day. Theo took the hme of my shirt in his teeth and pulled me towards the door. I shook my head at him as i whipped the homemade toothpaste off my mouth. I opened the door and let him lead me to the grave site. I almost forgot to stop and pick flowers from the edge of the worn out road. The flowers were a light purple colour with a green middle. The flowers smelt like oil. They where close to the old gas station that hasn't been used in centuries. The path we had to take to the graves was easy to remember. "Take a right here Theo" he slowly turns right and looks around to make sure its safe for us to go through. The graves slowly come into view as i tried my best to swallow the lump that was starting to form in my throat i had to be alert the dia de la mort was coming. You can tell by the sky it was slowly getting darker and darker. I didn't want to be outside i wanted to be hidden away in my room. But i had to talk to my parents i've avoided it all year. Theo come up behind be and started pushing me towards the graves he was more worried than i was about today. The grass on top was just starting to grow back. "Theo we have to get rid of the grass again" I hated when the grass was there it made me... made me feel like i was disrespecting them. I didn't realize i was crying until i saw the tears hit the ground. I whipped my eyes as fast as i could so Theo couldn't see. I sat down in between my mother and father's grave and ran my hands down the wooden makeshift headstone that took me three days to finish i remember the amount of splinters i had to pull out of my fingers i cringed thinking about it i hated it. I spent the first day just looking for the wood to use. I had to take breaks in between covering it with my grandfather's old rust knife.v I mean it worked but it left little chunks of woods that i had to pull out myself, the cuts and splinters was forth it. The little dot scars on my fingers from the ones i didn't notice for a few days. I rub my finger tips over my thumb as i think of what to tell my parents first. I was just about to talk to my parents as Theo started to growl behind me. I looked at him. He had his ear pulled back tightly against his head. My eyes slowly moved upward past his ears into the dark black eyes of a monster. The monster open its mouth and started growling the spit in its mouth come out everywhere its teeth were stained red from its past kills. The monster seemed to be eight feet tall. I could tell by looking at him, he wasn't going to be an easy kill for Theo. The monster had scars all over its body. I put my hands behind me brushing it through the soft green grass looking for a rock to throw into the distance the monsters are completely blind and rely on sound. I felt something rough against my finger as i finally found a rock big enough to pull the monsters attention away from me and Theo. i punched the back of Theos neck the feeling of his soft fur made me regret hurting him but it was the only way to get him to stop growling. I lifted the rock up and threw it behind me to the left. I watched the monster run towards the sound of the rock hitting the ground once i knew it was out of ear shoot i jumped up and grabbed Theo and pulled him back the way we came. "Well go another day Theo well get food tomorrow." Theo barked in acknowledgment as we keep walking towards the shilter. I fumbled with the cold metal door knob with my shaking hands. We needed to get inside as i finally got ahold of my shaking form i got the door open and stumbled inside, i closed the door behind me and took a breath of relief and moved moved towards the cabinets and pulled out the dog food and poured some into a bowl and gave it to Theo. He licked my hand in apprastion. I thought to myself "why not give him some raw meat today." I walked to the cooler in the backyard and took the shovel with me as i'd have to dig a little to get it. I pulled out the wooden box out of the ground and pulled out a steak and called Theo out as i gave it to him. Theo trotted inside with his tail wagging back and forth id have to clean the blood off the floor when he was done ripping the meat apart. I pulled one of the old beaten up wooden chair and sat down watching the sun slowly go down. Id have to go inside soon and go to sleep to stay inside longer. I got up and put the chair back walked past the large amount of red shinny blood on the old floors to the worn out stairs and went upstairs and gotten into my mother's old pjs and crawled into bed with Theo curled around my feet. I look at my clock one more time as it reads 10:30pm as i drift to sleep

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