introduction (must read to understand story)

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In 2036, the pollution was so bad that everyone predicted the end of the world to be very near. All the rich and important people where gathered up and put on insanely large spaceships with enough resources to sustain human life for another few 100s of years. While they travelled for generations in search for a new planet to colonise, nuclear war was happening in response to the fear of the end of the world. Most of the population died off when earth was a complete wasteland. Somewhere around 2153 the ships finally landed. The planet was colonised and a civilisation was born where humans are raised solely to better society and the human race in an attempt to not meet the same bitter end they thought earth did. The little that survived started building local communities and trying to survive in the destroyed wilderness. Creatures mutated and wear born out of the nuclear chemicals: Creating new species that hunted humans as hundreds of years passes the monsters kept evolving and humans kept adapting while still trying to keep a sort of community. They didn't want to lose all of their humanity and become nothing more than wild animals that hunted monsters: because they were truly no better than the monsters themselves. While a government was never formed due to the small amount of humans on the earth. Hundred of thousands rather than billions. Humans formed packs of friends and family. Lucy was born in one of those communities in the year 4027. Lucy's pack consisted of her mother and father. Lucy's family was killed by the monsters when she was 18 years old she still strongly relied on them to guide her through the new world. She only survived by fleeing and being found by a dog who had mutated and become huge. He was around 5 foot as lucy was 5'4 and he came to her shoulders in size. The dog became over protective of her. Lucy survived for some years, just her and Theo after the passing of her birth family. Lucy found a human in the rubble of a spaceship, lucy jumped at the chance of having friends again. The human she found was Kasey. Lucy had no knowledge of what a spaceship is and was confused as to what Kasey was in. Kasey has a lot to teach Lucy stick around for the ride.

I'm writing this in class with my friend sal for our final English assignment I'll be updating my parts on to here as we are only putting together Lucy and kasey. I'll be updating at the end of every week when we finish chapters

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